View Full Version : What now??

23-03-08, 20:30
I no longer have any friends, I no longer go out, I only work and sit at home alone all the time. Cant drink alcohol because it makes me panic, cant go to the gym because it makes me panic. Everything I do feels like climbing a mountain, my family are great but dont understand how I feel. Im sitting in my room now alone again its driving me up the wall. Im gay and was recommended a support group but I dont have the confidence to walk in the door, Im having palpatations, breathing problems, shaking. arrghh I think im going crazy!!!

A very fustrated Carl

23-03-08, 21:10
Carl..........go to the support group, it sounds the ideal place to start...it will be hard walking in but please try.

Shaz x

23-03-08, 22:44
Hi carl.Try and go to the support group,it will be hard the first time but you will probably feel better for it.My brother is gay and has been through alot dealing with his sexualality.If you cant make the support group there are support websites you could start with.
Have you seen your gp about your anxiety and panic attacks?Is it all to do with dealing with your sexualality?
You are not crazy!!!!!!:hugs:

24-03-08, 01:53
Thanks for the replies. I really dont know why I get bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. I do know despite being "out" for three years I haven't yet fully accepted my sexuality which makes me feel a bit low when every one else seems to manage it. I should go to the group but well im not sure if i get the courage to.

24-03-08, 15:53
Hi Carl

I know it must be hard to go to that support group, especially if you are having trouble accepting your sexuality.

But maybe you should keep in mind that the people at this support group will be in the same position as you - not too sure about themselves, how other people will react. I am sure they will all be pretty nervous about being there, but you are all there to support each other :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

24-03-08, 16:59
Hi Carl,

Do the support group have a telephone? Is there a gay help-line that you can ring to break the ice? I am sure you won't be the first gay man to have anxiety/panic issues.
If all else fails,do a cost/benefit analysis of this:-reasons to go versus reasons not to go.
It would seem that you have everything to gain by going.
Sometimes when we are at a very low ebb,a really big effort is required by us to change things.Experience here has shown me that the effort is amost always worthwhile.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Go for it,mate.
Best wishes,

24-03-08, 23:40
Thanks everyone I plan to go next week and get it out of the way. I guess I do have lots to gain by going. Wish me luck lol


29-03-08, 19:53
Hi again,

Do you think I should go to a doctor? I last went two years ago about my anxiety when I was put on Propanolol for palpatations but I haven't been since despite anxiety being there every day. I keep putting off going because I think Im managing it with lifestyle but why should every day feel like such a fight :(. I know I said I would go to the gay social group on Monday but I dont know If I can. I used to go out socialising every weekend now im in alone all the rime and i feel sick with nerves every time im faced with going to a pub or meal etc with family. I find it so strange that I never used to feel this way now its crept up on me so much. I used to love a drink (alcohol) now i just get panicy after one. People I used to hang out with just think im a "boring" person because I say I love staying in alone but really I cant go out with them because I feel so uncomfortable like everyone is staring at me and I just end up leaving anyway.

SOOOO confusing!!!!


29-03-08, 21:49
HI Carl,

Yes I think you should make an appointment and go and speak to your doctor and also try and go to this support group, I know its gonna be hard but it will be such an achievement if you can make it.

Shaz x

29-03-08, 22:59
I live with my brother and hes got loads of people round for a party at the min. Its all happening downstairs and I ve been in my room for hours now. Im going stir crazy. Its getting ridiculous now that I cant face going downstairs in my own house.