View Full Version : Sciatica - leg ache/pain

23-03-08, 20:39

I wondered if anyone might be able to help me out in putting my mind at rest a little? I pulled my back in mid Feb and ever since have had pretty bad sciatica in my right hamstring - occasionally down to my heel. Been to the docs three times. The first time they said it was probably muscular, second time they gave me three days worth of Diazapam and last week I ended up with a duty doctor who could hardly speak a word of English and sent me off with a prescription for 300mg of Ibruprofen, which, has been useless.

I could really use some words of reassurance. A friend of mine said that his brother wrenched his back, ended up with sciatica that persisted and eventually had to go in for an operation to have part of his disc cut away
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

If anyone has had a similar situation to me, I'd be happy to hear how long it took for the sciatica to ease.

Any words would be appreciated - I'm going out of my mind with stress here.

23-03-08, 21:44
Hi Dan,

I first suffered with Sciatica when I was pregnant and it lasted for several months.

I still suffer with it on a regular basis. Sometimes for a few days, sometimes a few months at a time.

It is highly unlikely that you will need surgery. Keep going with the pain killers and if you haven't seen any improvement in a few weeks then I'd see your GP again.