View Full Version : Advise/reasurace needed desperatly pleas

23-03-08, 21:10
Used to post but forgot my username:blush:

Suffer from health anxiety most of my adult life but seems to come in fits and starts.

At the moment im beside myself Cancer is doing my head in I seemed to find symptoms for all abdominal cancersover the pat few weeks. I seem to get over it but this time m really scared I have been so so so silly and googled tailbone pain and even read up on some cancer forums about it and now im convinced ive got rectal cancer.

My symptoms are vague tailbone pain/pressure pain on oneside of my back and pain down through my buttock.
When im stressed out about things I do get constipated over the weekend ive had a couple of normal, no blood stools.

if I actually managed to do something to take my mind off it (which isn't often lately) I have no pain.

I am fine through the night and no pain when I wake up just as the day goes on.

Do you think
a. I need to see the doctor about the pain and
b. Do need to see the doctor about going back on medication to calm my anxiety symptoms.

If it was cancer would the symptoms and pain go away when im sleeping or do you get pain all the time.

Really am getting fed up with this anxiety this time ive got 5 kids to look after and its getting a bit of a struggle

23-03-08, 21:20
hiya kate

well first i think you need to do both, go put your mind at rest about the pain you are getting and second go talk to him about your anx and the way it is at mo see if mabe you need some help with it .
i know what you mean as far as cancer is i am allways worrying about it but i know it is coz i have HA and not that i have cancer at all , it is very hard coz we convinced we have it but it is probs just your anx hun .

jodie xxx

23-03-08, 21:47
I would agree to go and see the doc. ironically, many cancers often cause little or no pain - the cancer cells don't want to make themselves known! I would suggest you relax as you sleep, so wake up with no muscle pain, and then as you get more tense and anxious through the day, you tighten your muscles and get pain.

It could be a sciatic nerve thing, although this usually goes from your buttock down your leg (longest nerve in the body, don't you know!).

If your anxiety is getting worse, or it is preventing you from leading a normal life (ie work, relationships), then defninitely ask your doc about it.

Hope you feel better soon - I find my health anxiety comes back when I am actually worrying about something else subliminally (like work or money, usually!). When these worries subside, so does my helath anxiety.


24-03-08, 09:39
Thanks for the advise
After a terrible night with 2 of my kids chucking their guts up (far to many easter eggs me thinks) and me just layed there feeling pain (or is it in my head again me thinks).
After having a normal poo with no blood this morning I have made a dicission to STOP googling and to try my hardest to get over this, what im hoping is, a blip in my HA.
If im still having symptoms in a week then I'll go see my GP, does this sound good to you all????.

Really glad i've got this site to fall back on when im feeling bad.

Just one more thing im due on any day do any of you feel worse at this time??

Thanks again from a googling addict Kate