View Full Version : I'm new a struggling with what life is throwing at me!

23-03-08, 21:33
Hi, am totally new to this but want to share as brief as i can how i've come to be in the state that i am!

It started for me€ few years ago where a girl who i worked with was very close to me (my best friend) ended up having a affair. i am married to a wonderful woman and have little boy, anyway the affair went on for around 6-9 months and around spring of 2006 my son had a bad turn only very brief and my friend was rushed in to hosiptal. around this time we knew we had done a bad thing and agreed to end it as it was destroying our friendship.
anyway the guilt and stress of everything got to me and i ended thinking i had hiv (she was always careful with others apart from once but i was different because she loved me and trusted me) anyway i knew deep down everything was ok as she is a pcso and have to have test etc frequently.
but alas the drove me around the bend and didnt help by looking at websites about the symtoms of the hiv.
in the end i ended up taken my self one day to sti clinic to be told everything is fine. the wait is horrible but the relief at the time was something else. to the point that when i got home i had huge panic attack and my wife (who didnt know about the affair at that point) to me to casualty, who did naff all.

It also turned out my friend who came out of hospital had been diagnosed with cancer yet she was 19 . the same cancer that took a sister of hers and another who had to have it removed in a operation.

i was gutted,but the guilt was crippling me so i told my wife who forgave me. but for months i kept dwelling on about hiv even looking at people thinking they have just by looking at them. eventually i returned to work still often thinking about it. later in the year i started seeing a counsellor who gave a list of things to do like write down thing like time date where i was , what i was doing when one the thoughts would pop up.

this went on until around april of 2007 and things went quite, my friend left to work for the police and we dont speak anymore (unless she pops in to my works) but i missed her severly and still do sometimes.

Anyway my counsellor went of ill for about 6months and didnt see anyone , but i felt ok and thought thats it done dusted. except 22nd of sept 2007 i had a call of paramedic jabbering on and i didnt understand but basically my dad had a heart attack and had died.

we where all devasted. totally out the blue, and for months i felt so bad and grieving. a month later my mom ended up in hospital. and eventually my wife suggested my mom needs looking after and we will do it. so mom after 8 weeks of hospital came to live with us. but we had the stress of finding a home for lots of pets, bills , mess, u name it. and we had to sell the house mom and dad lived in which currently we awaiting to complete.

my counsellor started seeing me again november time and ive had quite a few meetings , and she suggested due to everything i should go on medication.

so the other week i was giving seroxat , i wish i never been near it.

last week my mom was rushed in to hospital twice and is still there. but i think that and the seroxat have pushed me to far.
the last few days ive been really fed up , distressing thoughts and the old nemesis partially triggered of by dentist who ive never met before talking about hiv. and him explaining how he knew a girl years ago and got a std and said the wait to be told your hiv clear is horrendous and that he has 4-5 patients on his books but anyway major work he wont do. its strange i that people i know who have gone a got themselves tested like me (negative thank god) still have the thoughts have such a horrible process affect them today. but he knew what its like to love two people and how it messes with your head, with the what if's, but i so wish i never seen that emergency dentist and the him telling me how he has 4-5 hiv patients on his books but only does minor work for those patients.

the odd thing is my wifes friends brother is hiv postive and when he comes around our house it tends not to bother me in the slightest.

but today ive felt so low and think a combo of things from the last week have done it for , a nasty cold, mom , 6months since dad died and the house and maybe not been at work for nearly a month with a bad back , and the seroxat have done it for me.

hence why ive opened up. i know it's long even though it's short compared to the whole my story, i even took my self up to hospital tonight but the there was to many people a came home, instead wrote this. but it is hard not to wonder if someone out there doesnt like me!

23-03-08, 21:57
Hi Verved and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear you've been through such a lot and think it is very brave and a great step writing it all down.

Take care,

Mike :)

24-03-08, 15:13
thanks mike,

i been off work for last 4 weeks (sat at home) 3 of which with a bad back and last week to due me mom's current situation, but ive forced my self into work today and im glad i have as ive had my mates around me, but also found out today by talking to people that where i work i know now theres 6 people who are either suffering anxiety currently or have had it in the past. now dont get me wrong i' not implying i'm the only one in the world going through just that it's amazing and in way a comfort to know that people i know and work with understand.and either suffer or have every now and then it recurrs on them for abit. and been at work has taken my mind off store a fair bit

24-03-08, 17:08
Hi Verved,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Realising that you are not alone in having anxiety issues can prove to be a great relief.
You do have a lot to cope with in your personal life at the moment.Don't forget to look after yourself physically during this period-eat well,good fluid intake and good rest.
Check out the Main Menu for ideas on coping,relaxation techniques and also success stories which can inspire you.
Best wishes,

24-03-08, 19:18
Hi Verved

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Sorry to hear you have been through so much - sounds like a lot of stress of one thing or another.

Hope we can be of help anyway.

24-03-08, 22:04
Hello Verved And Welcome, I Believe Guilt Can Play A Big Part Of The "anxiety" For Some......but As You Been Thru So Much Stress Plays A Major Factor.....i Guess Some Of Us Wonder The Same Thing As I Do Myself With Something Happening Constantly Big Things Is Some One Against Me Up There "you Can Stop Now".........but Anyways I Wish Ya Well, Hang In There ............linda

26-03-08, 17:18

welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

29-03-08, 06:58
Thanks everyone for the kind replies, i feel so much better as the week goes on. My mom came out of hospital yesterday and my stress levels nose dived plus i'm on propanol so that and practising some cbt ( breathing around a square ) have seriuosly helped plus trying to keep positive about my health been fine i.e just keep challenging negative thoughts about nonsense over things i havent got wrong with me are keeping me calm.
Linda thank you it is amazing how loving two people and the what if questions i.e if i started a new life question or what do i do, guilt, certainly played apart in generating my anxiety, my counsellor said when i first had a session with about 18months ago that because my brain was so overwhelmed that to distract itself it created something for it to focus differently on and that subject was hiv why i dont know as i dont have it or anything else (hence getting tested for everything known to man!) but yes that and the guilt i found for me my driving factor of my health anxiety. what annoys me is that just before my dad died in september i was 99% over it ,all done, but its down to me now to rectify it with abit of help!!

29-03-08, 11:55

you really have had an awful time lately. i know only too well what an excessive amount of stress can do to you when it builds up. you get to feel like theres no way out or light at the end of the tunnel and feel helpless. i can honestly say though that eventually things do become clearer and you can start to get your life back together again. i wont lie to you and say it happens overnight because it takes a while. have hope and be strong for yur wife and son. it is my partner and kids who keep me going.

if you need to chat anytime feel free.

take care,


29-03-08, 15:39
Hi there and welcome..
Sorry to read that you are having such a bad time.
