View Full Version : please offer some advice

23-03-08, 22:06
I have been prescribed citalopram 20mg for worrying thoughts and generally always being on edge. i tok my first tab on fri night, then i took an other on sat morning, then as normal sun morn. side affects im having are feeling sick, really drowsy, toilet habits kinna funny and changed. people also tell me i lok very white. im also rather aggitated. feel very tired but very restless at the same time.

can anyone offer me some support and asdvice.

i apreciate it.

23-03-08, 22:31
Hi I think taking one friday night and then saturday morning are to close together.I had very similar side affects when starting citalopram,but they settled after two weeks.Its your body getting used to them.It should all settle down soon.:hugs: :hugs:

24-03-08, 01:55
I've heard the first few weeks on this med can be tough so hgang in there things will improve.

24-03-08, 07:42
Hi Wood

Just keep an eye on your symptoms. Aggitation is common with these type of meds as are a host of other symptoms.
Usually, most side affects are temporary and should subside in the first few weeks, but do read the leaflet that comes with your meds and don't hesitate to call your GP if you feel a particular side effect is bothersome.

Good luck


24-03-08, 10:55
Hi all thanks for your advice.are these symptons temporary or will they go. if it was like this all the time i wouldnt want to be on them, i really hope it goes. the doctor told me of know side effects, but thats prob because if he told me he knew it would worry me. i really hope they go soon. i feel worse than what i did before starting them.

24-03-08, 11:59
Hi Chap

It is normal to feel worse for a few days as you start, but this should wear off. They can take up to 6 weeks before you feel the benefit but normally, any dodgy side effects don't last more than a couple of weeks.

Give it a few days, and if you are still no better, give the doc a call.


24-03-08, 16:18
Hi Woodnights,

I have been on citalopram in the past and it helped me a lot. You do generally feel worse for a couple of weeks before you start to notice an improvement so hang in there! My girlfriend has also used different anti-depressants and we both suffered from nausea and tiredness at the start, so I think it's normal with these kind of meds.

If you don't improve after a few weeks, talk to your Doctor because there are other anti-depressants that might be more suitable for you.

Good luck.


24-03-08, 20:47
I agree with Jaco. Usually you do feel worse within the first two weeks... it's like a price we have to pay until it gets better, that is, if it's the medication for us too.