View Full Version : Anxiety worse, leading up to big events? / Kind of gross problem...

23-03-08, 22:39
I've noticed my Health Anxiety is worse in the weeks before special events, trips, basically anything I might look forward to.
Does anyone else have this problem?
It's driving me nuts, and I end up not being able to enjoy so many things, because of it!
I have something coming up on Friday, which I've been waiting for for years, and I can feel total panic coming on, already. What the heck am I meant to do?

In the past 24 hours I've convinced myself that I have 4 different illnesses, and now I have another problem and I don't know if it's an actual problem, or more anxiety...

About a month ago, I had a sore throat and coughed up some blood. I went to the Doctor and she said don't even worry about, unless it's still happening in a month. So I forgot about it, and it didn't happen again, but this morning I have a slight cough, and I had tiny bits of blood in some phlegm. My nose was bleeding a bit too, when I blew it, so it could have something to do with that. But then my nose stopped and I was still coughing up stuff. My Mum said don't even worry about it, it's probably from coughing and it's only a tiny bit. But I'm starting to freak out, and I don't want to have to go to the Doctors again, unless I really have to...so what do you all think?

23-03-08, 22:49
Hi I think most of us here get these anxiety attacks before events,I know I do.Get loads of different symptoms,your not alone.:hugs:
As for the sore throat,its probably through coughing.Sometimes we can scratch the back of the throat.Also the back of the nose as its all connected.Sometimes when I blow my nose there is fresh blood there.We have lots of little blood vessels up there.:hugs:

24-03-08, 03:21
It's good to know it's not just me...I just hope I can find a way to calm down now.
I think maybe I did scratch my throat? I was eating some crunchy Easter Eggs, and then my throat hurt in a particular place and I had more blood in phlegm after that...Still not sure what to do about it though.

24-03-08, 10:03
I've had that before and it's just when a weak vessel at the top of my nose bleeds and it trickles down your throat and sometimes it doesn't come down my nose just my throat. Remember that because it's mixed with phlegm it looks more than it is. I have trouble with this usually when I am very stressed but Dr said nothing to worry about. I think we are so sensitive to everything to do with our heath that we notice unimportant stuff much more than other people would. Don't worry x