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View Full Version : Scared to be in my own.

23-03-08, 22:54
Hi,i have this constsnt fear of being left on my own in the house.:scared10:
I have been like this is years now,and it is really getting on top of me .:weep:

Everytime my hubby needs to go out i have to go with him,as i can't stay in the house on my own,for the fear that something will happen to me.Things like what if i pass out and knock my self out,what if i have a heart attack and die.

I know this may sound silly, but this is all i thing of all day.

I would love to let my hubby go on his own, just to get the paper, or even petrol As soon as he says i have to go out i just go into panic and say to him don't leave me on my own,i will come with you.

I have tried being on my own a couple of time,but have got myself into a right state.Head just goes into overdrive with the what ifs.

Can anyone relate to this, or is it just me going mad?

Help and advice will be much appreciated.

Liz. Take care.:hugs:

25-03-08, 18:06
hi liz,
i can totoally relate to this. i too cant stay in house on my own its awful. ive been like this now for over ten years. i think the main thing that gets to me is having to be a nuisance to my partner and kids. when my partner goes out on a friday night with his mates i have to go to my mums or friends and take my 9 year old with me. now shes getting older she sometimes moans and i feel so guilty. if you want to chat to me about anything feel free to pm me


25-03-08, 18:34
Hi Liz, like both you and Julie, this is something I have suffered with and on bad days still do. Thankfully I now seem to be at a stage where I am happy to be left on my own, and sometimes I actually look forward to it. If someone had told me two years ago that I would be sitting here, on my own, and enjoying the peace and quiet, I wouldn't have believed them.

It was hard work at times but I decided that I could either fight it and work thro the fear, or let it win.

Like I said, I do still have bad days, but I just accept it for what it is, a bad day and not a backward step

Read thro some of the links on the left hand of the page or even type monophobia in the seach option and you will find others that suffer from 'fear of being alone' as well as some great advice

Please feel free to PM me anytime you want

Take care

26-03-08, 12:47
Hello Liz I Was Like You Yrs Back When I First Got The Agraphobia.........now Im Always On My Own Which Is Good But I Still Like To Know If I Need Someone Theres Some One Around Like Maybe You Can Have A Friends Or Ya Hubbys Mobile # In Case You Start To Feel Unwell......just Knowing Somewhere Is Out There And I Can Get In Touch With Helps Me ..i Wish Ya Well.........linda