View Full Version : Worried about taking Antibiotics

24-03-08, 09:28
Hi people.

As you may have seen in a previous thread of mine I suffer with thrush and I know antibiotics can make it worse. But I'm in a real dilemma.

In January I had a cold which lead to a chest infection. The doc gave me some erythomycin but I was too scared to take them, but my chest infection is coming and going and won't seem to properly shift.

I've been back to the docs and he confirms I still have my chest infection and he says to take the antibiotics.

Also the information leaflet (I call them scare leaflets) say you can have abnormal heart rhythm which is unlikely but they have to put it down I know.

Anyone else taken Erythromycin and is it safe.

At the moment I'm fed up of feeling ill. I've had this damn chest infection for 6 weeks now.

I worry too much

Thanks in anticipation of your help


24-03-08, 10:39
Yes you worry too much, when I first started on ad's the leaflet said risk of fits bloody hell I didn't take them for months until I spoke to my doc again.He reasurred me and I was fine. Take the tablets and the infection will go.
Good luck.:hugs:

24-03-08, 12:33
Hi Steve,

We live in a very litigious society.
The reason why leaflets which accompany medication contain so many "scary" side -effect info is because the pharmaceutical companies are scared witless of potentially costly law-suits.The vast majority of the bad side-effects are experienced by a miniscule amount of patients yet the companies feel the need to err on the side of caution.
I would be more concerned that your are leaving a chest infection untreated- that is potentially dangerous.
Best wishes,

24-03-08, 22:19
I've had this medicine as they would normally give me penicillin but I can't have that now and I suffer with thrush too, I took the tablets ok with no side affects i'm sure it didn't react and make me get thrush.
You could always ask for a prescription for a thrush tablet incase these give you thrush, or take the medication and when you have finished take a thrush tablet to make sure you won't get thrush.

25-03-08, 13:12
Yep, definitely take the anitbiotics! And make sure you finish the whole course. If you were allergice to antibiotics, you'd know about it by now (most people discover when very young, and given antibiotics as a child). There are lots of treatments for thrush, so take those after the antibiotics.

25-03-08, 13:18
I am SCARED, SCARED, SCARED to take any pill. But last year, like yourself i had a chest infection that lasted weeks. When he finally perscribed me antibiotics i asked for erythomycin, that is my antibiotic of choice. I suffer no side effects at all from this and within 4 days of taking it my chest had cleared right up.

Good luck :)

miss motown
25-03-08, 21:55
Awww I No Exatly How You Feel Im The Same I Went To My Gp 2weeks Ago With Back Pain And Was Very Chesty She Gave Me Antibiotics And Guess Wot There Still Sitting In My Bag Ive Still Got Terrible Pains But Im To Scaired To Take Them I Was Goina Go Back And See Her But Wots The Point If I Wont Take Wotever She Prescribes Its Awful Isnt It

02-04-08, 00:31
I can relate to what has been said here, I can't take any tablets - I go to the doctors, take the prescription, pay for it over the counter, get them home but can't bring myself to take them, it's happened so many times now you wouldn't believe it, there are a cupboard full of boxes :ohmy:

I'm allergic to pennicilin and had a reaction to other ABs too but stupidly I didn't make a note of them and am now scared of all tablets :scared15:

03-04-08, 08:23
I'd just like to report that I took the Ab's, and while I didn't take the full dose my chest seems to be clear now. So Erythromycin is being put on the "good" list for a change!

It's dreadful that not only do we suffer with worries about things, but also we worry about the tablets that are designed to make us better and can't take them so suffer the symptoms of what ever is ailing us as well. So we get it three times!!!!

Oh dear, just to be normal hey!!!