View Full Version : Twitching tongue?

24-03-08, 13:21
This is probably another stupid worry of mine but the other night while sitting watching tv my tongue started to twitch on one side, kind of like the fascilations you get on the legs, fingers and arms. I moved my tongue and it went away. Well I started to worry about it as you do, then last night again I had the same thing and moved my tongue and it went away - I guess this isn't anything bad because it isn't happening all the time and goes away when I move the muscle - but I automatically think of CJD about anything I have wrong with me.

24-03-08, 18:00
Hi byronhison,

Muscle twitches are a really common symptom of anxiety and you can get them anywhere on your body. My girlfriend gets a twitching eye! I don't think it is a sympton of CJD so try not to worry about it.


24-03-08, 21:37
Hi byron

Like ben said muscle twitching is a sign of anxiety, withdrawal and can just be nothing at all! I have loadsa twitches most days all over my body, yer even the tongue, strange ain't it.

Hope you are reassured that nothing is seriously wrong.

Take care
