View Full Version : 6 months later and its back even worse !

fretty freda
24-03-08, 14:24
sum of you guys may remember me

if not heres whats happening now

left job that it took me all my time to return to , split up with boyfriend of 8 years lost all confidence not eating , or going out finding it really difficult to do small tasks could be doing with some advice right now and i know i can count on you guys so indesperation i ask what can i do with myself

24-03-08, 15:50
Hi Freda :hugs:

It seems like you've been through a lot so its no wonder you're not feeling great right now.

What happened with your job then hun? Was it not for you?

I'm sorry to hear about your relationship hun.

Maybe, with all these things in your life changing, it is a good opportunity to take stock and start afresh, which I appreciate can be daunting hun.

Have you started looking for a new job? Is there anything that you fancy doing in terms of work?

Do you have friends around you? Do you have people you can meet up and go out with?

I'm sure many people on here can relate to a long term relationship coming to an end, and its natural to grieve over this. But also, I think its a good chance for you to "find yourself", regain your independence and sense of self.

Do you think maybe you should see a counsellor, if for nothing else than to talk to someone about how you are feeling so that you dont bottle these things up? Of course we are here to listen too hun, but I find its also good to have someone listen in "real time".

Keep posting hun, you're not on your own :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

Ma Larkin
25-03-08, 15:04
I really feel for you, to be going through such a rough time at the moment. I think a relationship breakdown is the worst kind of upset and anxious time anyone can go through and to not have a job at the same time you must be climbing the walls.

It's good to talk and have your friends about you. Sometimes we don't want to talk about the things that are happening in our life, especially when they are fresh in our minds, but time is a great healer, I know from experience. I went through the most devastating times in my life a couple of years ago, and I swore that if one more person said to me "time is a great healer" I would have smacked them, but it really is and I'm sure you will recover and get on with your life for YOU! We are all special individuals and should take more care of ourselves and have more self esteem, don't you think? I know it's easier said than done at times like this, but it really does make you feel much better further down the line when your head isn't all over the place.

I thought I was the loneliest person in the world and it has taken me a good couple of years to get out of the hole that I'd dug myself in to and to pick myself up. I'm not too bad in that I work full time and have 3 wonderful kids and a new grandson, but I am also single and once the kids are in bed at night, I find myself getting depressed and low. I used to listen to depressing music but now I watch comedies on the TV and time flies instead of dragging all the time. I babysit my grandson every weekend (he's only 9 weeks old) and I cook a lot which seems to be my haven.

I hope you soon start to pick up and I'm sorry if I've rambled but it does get better.

Les xx

fretty freda
14-04-08, 17:45
i am coming to the end of my teather i cannot bear to be in the house looking at these 4 walls foranother day i cannot lift myself out of this depression i am stuck in a hole i cant get out of and it hurts me to do the simplest tasks i really am an all time low and i have no motivation

fretty freda
14-04-08, 18:06
i really need some help fast i know i can count on u guys or i hope i can x

14-04-08, 18:41
Hi Freda, I'm in a similar situation to you with regards to the job situation, except I was bullied and it got to me in the end and I had a breakdown of sorts. 3 weeks on and I'm starting to feel a little better and more positive about my future . It can be so frustrating when things are out of your control but sometimes you have to take a step back and think of YOU. Do whatever pleases you but do try to chat to someone, it helps to get some perspective and you never know, they might have some good ideas too

I'm no expert by any means, I can only speak from my experience, but chatting to someone who can distance themselves from all the emotion you're feeling can be really helpful. The docs was my first port of call. I know meds arent for everyone but if I had a headache I'd take a pill ...... really hope you begin to feel better soon, best of luck :hugs:

fretty freda
16-04-08, 14:52
thankyou for your advice i try talking to my friend ,

yesterday had my first panic attack in months and now i am living in fear of i9t coming back it was nasty i felt like i was sinking and my mind went blank i had to leave what i was doing and go and sit in the cr i feel like a failure for running away and not seeing it through