View Full Version : I'm new too. I hope I can find comfort here.

24-03-08, 18:32
Hello everyone

I've been suffering from depression for a number of years now and was diagnosed and treated in day care last year.

I think I underestimated the amount of effort and time that the recovery would take and have found myself going back to bad habits - like excessive drinking (often) and recreational drug use (v occasionally). I feel very ashamed of myself and my behaviour and am really worried that I am having a relapse.

Has anyone else had a similar experience to me? Please help, I am really struggling.

Clarina x

24-03-08, 18:41

Firstly welcome :welcome: you will never feel alone here and will always have somebody who cares for you.

Im sorry you are going through bad times.

No you must not feel ashamed you are dealing with your pain the only way you can. We can only do our best for ourselves others may think its bad but who are they to judge. unless someone can step into your shoes and feel the pain or truma they will never know.

I hope you will soon discover so many people here wanting to help and guide you.

Take care

24-03-08, 18:44
Thanks Smudgie - I wish that reading through the forums that I had found this forum earlier.

Even having someone replying to this makes me feel a little comforted and not alone.


24-03-08, 19:07
Hi Clarina

You have no need to feel ashamed of yourself hun, not at all. Recovery is hard work, I am finding that too. I thought that the moment I saw a counsellor that I would be "ok" again, but its not that simple.

You'll get lots of advice and support from people here hun so keep posting. You're not along :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

24-03-08, 19:08
Hi Clarina and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Please don't feel ashamed because depression and anxiety are an illness just like any other. You realise drinking and recreational drugs aren't the right way to overcome things so that has to be a positive. Try taking a day at a time and set yourself some small goals which you can build on.

Take care,

Mike :)

24-03-08, 19:15
Hi Clarina

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and get you back on track to a full recovery.

24-03-08, 21:53
Hello Clarina And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well.........linda

24-03-08, 22:00
Hi Clarina

:welcome: to NMP.

There is no need to feel ashamed. I doubt there is anything we haven't heard before or done at one point ourselves.

You'll find a lot of support here.

Karen xx

26-03-08, 17:20
Hi Clarina,

welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

26-03-08, 20:00
Hi Clarina,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Be proud of yourself for taking positive action to deal with your health issues.With this attitude,your recovery will be much easier to attain.
Best wishes,

28-03-08, 19:31

How are you feeling? Have been thinking about you and hope you feel supported here.

I hope you can come through and start to feel a bit better.

Take care of you