View Full Version : Kidney/antibiotic worries

24-03-08, 21:23
Hi All. me again, I am reading these posts with interest. I have been on antibiotics for about two weeks now, just had a two day break, for a persistent kidney infection. Pain in back, fluctuates as to what side it is on, tenderness round bottom of ribs etc, no real ''weeing'' symptoms. Have been drinking loads to try and flush it out. Of course, health anxiety has kicked in big time, and I am worried it maybe cancer of the kidneys or kidney failure.
It does not feel quite so bad today but is there nigglin away. Thing is I picked up a new prescription today for more antibiotics, and I am too scared to take them, the list of possible side effects are nasty to say the least, pulmonary lung problems, jaundice, swelling of face/joints, I am so scared, and have not had one yet, picked them up at lunch time. Am making myself drink loads of cranberry juice today, think I will go back to Doc and just be honest, and ask for more of the previous antibiotics but a longer course.
Am I the only one who reads all the side effects and then gets scared?
Why is my kidney infection taking so long to go? Feel really worried. Husbamd sick of me talking about my health. My little girl is having her tonsils out tomo so I am triple neurotic at the moment.

24-03-08, 21:50
I had a reaction once to anti biotics but it was just a rash that I could cope with. I don't know to many people who have reaction unless your actually alleric to something like for example I can't take penicillin now cos that's what caused my rash I got this within two day's of starting the antibiotics though, you could try for a few days and if your ok carry on if not go back and see your doc.

24-03-08, 21:56
Yes in the past I had a reaction, went bright red and felt like I was burning inside.
But these tablets I know are from a different group.
They can cause such horrific side effects though and I feel in a real quandry.

24-03-08, 22:03
Not sure what to suggest, but if you dont have the tablets will the infection you have not get any better.
I'm sure if your anything like me that will worry you more then you might end up with more symptoms with worry.
I had some antibiotics last week and when I read the leaflets they said do not have milk while taking them so I was worrying every time I had a coffee as I have milk, so I just waited a few hours after taking the tablets before I would have a coffee because I know I couldn't go all day with out wanting one.

24-03-08, 22:11
Thanks for listening anyway Scooby. Really ironic that you are answering me this eve, because, and no word of a lie, we have been searching for my cousins dog in the woods this evening, his name?? Scooby, hahaha. I have just had a call to say he has been found, having disappeared down a badgers set. been missing six hours at least. So funny you should respond.

Thanks for listening. I am a massive worry pot, hate it, drive myself and everyone else mad.
Maybe l will leave it a day or two, wait til my little ones ok after having op tomo, then go back to my own doc..... had to see an out of hours one you see. Maybe see my own and explain my worries, on wed perhaps.
Drinkingloads of cranberry juice til then.

24-03-08, 23:41
Has your doctor done tests to see if it is definitely a kidney infection? when I had one, I was sooo wiped out, I could only lie in a bed for two weeks - literally, it was awful. I was peeing massive blood clots and blood - it was horrendous. I took some whacking great antibiotics and they cleared it up quickly - within a week. Usually what they will do is give you one 'general, kills most bacteria' antibiotic while they plate your sample up and see which specific ones work. Side effects are sooo uncommon - you'll usually know by now if you are allergic to antibiotics!

Hope you feel better soon

26-03-08, 14:44
Thanks Seeker, have started taking them and am imagining I have some of the symptms, how messed up is that. Madness.
Taking them, yes they did two wee tests, and just worrying as i take.
When will this madness end.