View Full Version : I'm having a panic attack!!

25-03-08, 01:34
:weep: as we speak!! I have had a very stressful few days, my 16 month old baby has been in and out of hospital with chicken pox, tonsilitis, vomiting and diareeha. He has been really poorly and its been horrid watching him so ill and loose weight that I think it has come to a head for me tonight. I keep thinking i'm going to have a heart attack, i keep getting a rush of panic, rapid heart beat and feel like I can't get my breath. I needed a distraction so came on here. Hubby is awake and has been great but I need reasurrance that I am ok!! I feel like crying!!

Po xxx

25-03-08, 01:40
Panic is nothing but an oversimulation of hormones in our body..it will bring you no harm

While it may not feel good it doesn't bring harm, it's our bodies way of protecting us, it's doing what it is supposed to do...

It will pass, panic always ends, even though it may seem impossible if you relax now the panic will not continue...it may take a bit for the hormones to be used up, but they will go away as you relax...

Try some breathing exercises, enjoy some tea, talk with your husband...panic always ends..

25-03-08, 13:34
Hello Pauline,
anyone would have anxiety attacks in this situation - you've been under tremendous stress and getting no relief or good sleep I bet.
Know this, nobody ever died from a panic attack. It is a completely normal reaction to stress that has gone into overdrive. Felling weepy is the sudden release of all the emotion you've been bottling up over the weeks.
Your baby is getting good treatment from very safe hands. You are safe too and you will feel better when you see positive improvements. Accept how you feel for the moment, it WILL pass.
Be kind to yourself

25-03-08, 14:18
If you need to cry - CRY!!
It always makes me feel better.
After what you are going through it's no wonder you're anxious.
Please remember that when you can't breathe in it's because your lungs are already full of air so empty your lungs - breathe out. You should find you can then take that breth in you need.

sending best wishes to you and your family at such a stressful time.