View Full Version : You will not like this post......but its the truth !!

25-03-08, 08:46
My history :-

Had problems with anxiety, depression (including post natal), at various stages through my 44 years of being alive, have been emotionally abused in relationships, have lost people I loved and depended on, been through a traumatic divorce, raised 3 children.
Have suffered panic attacks, agoraphobia to the point of not being able to leave the house, the furthest I have been in 4 years is 12 miles.
I have taken Seroxat (for 5 years), and managed to withdraw but went through hell, taken natural remedies, have an under-active thyroid.
Had relaxation classes, counselling, cbt course.
Blood tests galore, ecg's, ct scans, some medical treatments.

I worry all day every day, I suffer aches and pains, I struggle dealing with life being a mum, school meetings, them having friends over, allowing them to be 'free'

This is the part you won't like but I needed to say it :-

I found this site in December, some-one some-where obviously realised I needed it, I had 2 choices, do as I usually do, take more of an interest in the symptom section, and then suffer from more than I did when I began, but worst of all read the success posts and think 'oh, but they are stronger than me, they aren't as ill, they haven't suffered as much as me, they have a partner, a bigger house'........ and the list goes on.

But I took the 2nd choice, to use every part of the site, to realise the symptoms are not life-threatening, to read the success story's and say, if they can do it I'm damn sure I can, and decided I am not the one who is going to still be here in 12 months time, moaning and complaining about the same old things, we have one life, ok it isnt the one we wanted or chose, but it is precious, and ok if you cant get out and are stuck in, accept it for now, google earth and go on a virtual holiday.

If you had a friend who just moaned all the time, never took your advice and just went on and on and on, day after day, year after year, would you lose patience, yes you would, so take the advise that is offered, do the things that others have to recover, if you don't try you will never know.

Life is tough from our first breath to our last, but it is only us who can change things, don't waste time on 'why me ??' and 'what if's ??'.

If people don't like this post, then basically tough, but just do me a favour

SMILE :D and see if it makes you feel better.

And just to end with, I am not better, I struggle every hour of every day, but with determination and a smile on my face !!

Christine xx :flowers:

25-03-08, 08:56
That's the spirit!!!! :yahoo: Good for you. You have turned a corner, you are one of the success stories and an inspiration to us all. Keep us posted of your progress. :yesyes:

25-03-08, 09:04
Hey Christine, I totally agree - it is only US who can change things.

I'm by no means better, but I'm working on it and its better than sitting here letting the b*gger win!

Jo xxxxx

25-03-08, 14:02
Thanks, hope you smiled lol :D

Christine xx :flowers:

25-03-08, 14:20

25-03-08, 14:31
hey christine.........glad ya thinkin positive hun and ya right ya cant dwell on the what ifs.....cause the what ifs dont exist, really now do they........ya doing good keep on smiling ........it does get better with a positve attitude.............love linda xxxx

25-03-08, 14:31
Thanks Bluebell i liked the site :) :) :) :)
And to Christine of course you are right if only could get that way of thinking into my thick head
Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-03-08, 14:41

You gooooooo Gal :biggrin:


25-03-08, 15:21
Thanks Richie!

25-03-08, 17:59
:yesyes: Christine, I fully agree and read your post with a smile. It reminded me of myself a few years ago, but Im now the person who tries to do something everyday, even if it is just a walk to the shops :hugs:

Take care