View Full Version : advice about baby??

25-03-08, 08:56
hi every1

i can feel my anxiety coming back and i hate it how 1 thing brings u back to square one.

my baby is 5 weeks old and suffering with evening colic, other than that she is fine, gaining weight, drinking milk sleeping contently etc,

earlier i was feeding her, i stopped to wind her and when she burped she was sick a bit, that was bright white like the milk, but on her bib was a yellow bit of what looked like flem, but it wasnt infection yellow it was like orangy yellow,

i have changed her mik on sat and started giving her infacol last night do u think it could be that?? like i said her sick wasnt discoloured just a blob of something in the sick, it was like what we get when sick, like bile.

i did google!!! now i so wish i hadnt, i could feel myself palpatating as i bought up the page!! i didnt really find anything useful, just scared myself silly, she has brought her milk up a bit since and that was fine.

please reassure me!

leanne xx

25-03-08, 09:04
Hi, best advise would be call the health visitor and ask, she will put you at ease. She will have seen your baby and know best, google doesnt't lol

Hope this helps

Christine xx :flowers:

25-03-08, 10:00
Leanne I am sure your baby is fine, it sounds quite normal to me but as Christine says if you are in doubt have a word with the health visitor, that's what they are there for and if it puts your mind at rest it is worth a visit.


25-03-08, 22:22
Hi there, it must be really difficult for you with being a new mum and having anxiety too.
I remember vividly with my second child that he used to projectile vomit every day, we had to have a supply of terry nappies to have around him all the time, just in case. He could hit the tv at 50 paces, lol. It was very messy but he was absolutely fine, still put on weight and still had his milk. I also remember that i had an awful week with him with colic too as he was a medical phenomenon at aged 2 weeks old and was covered in Measles, which is practically unheard of as i was fine, lol. It was the med's they gave him for Measles that gave him the colic and it was awful. He screamed and screamed and i could not help him, i felt useless. I took on board everyone's advice and even things that i never heard of before, all to help his suffering. I was told to let him lick an orange, tried that and didn't work. Also to try Indian brandy, just a dab, in water, that was a no go too, lol. However, the thing that did work for him was a little Indian brandy on his dummy, just now and then and that worked a treat. Remember though this was a long time ago and i don't know if you can even get it anymore, lol.
I hope things have improved for the both of you and that you are both feeling better.xx