View Full Version : Am I Alone?

25-03-08, 09:01
:sofa: Am I Alone?

Im Only just 13, and i have had anixaty since Feb 07.
I Get realy depressed and scared at times. :scared10:
My Parents Get Mad At Me Sometimes Beause They Dont Understand.
Its Splitting up the family.
I Feel like no one else could feel as bad as me
Everyone at school talkes about me behind my back,:secret:
Im in a place called Time-Out where i can go if i struggle with lessons and eating ect ..
everyone thinks im a mental freak, i evan heard some parents talking about me saying that they dont want there children to speek to me because im mad.
So atm i have no friends i dont like my family and i feel all alone.
Tasha xxx

25-03-08, 09:14
Hey Tasha, welcome to NMP :hugs:

You are certainly not alone hun, I'm sorry you are feeling so down.

People are frightened by things they do not understand - but this does NOT make you a freak. Not at all.

I'm sorry to hear your family dont seem to be supportive - again, its hard for people who have never had anxiety because it is a hard thing to get your head round. My Mum used to get annoyed at me hun and I felt alone. I suffered for 11 years before I knew what it was. Even when I tried explaining it to my Mum a couple of years ago she looked at me really weirdly so I dont bother talking about it now.

I think you would benefit from seeing a counsellor hun. Could you go to your GP and asked to be referred to one?

Jo xxxxx

25-03-08, 09:23

You are not alone and you certainly are no mental freak. Anxiety can happen to anyone at any time in our lives I am a 47 year old mother and suffer the same way as you and it isn't easy. I'm sorry you feel so alone hopefully by talking to people in similar situations on this site you may find new friends that can help you through this. I'm sure your parents care alot but they don't understand what you are going through, my mum is the same, it's not easy for people who don't suffer to understand how difficult we find things.

There are really nice people on this site who you will be able to talk to and they will understand what you are going through, some are your age group and I am sure this will help you.

Take care and don't feel alone, I have found so much help on this site and my anxiety has improved so much lately I hope it is of as much help to you.


25-03-08, 10:33
hiya tasha :welcome: to nmp. big big :hugs: for you hunny you are deffo not alone and im sorry you feel the way you do. having anxiety can be very scary and we all understand that. my daughter who comes on here is only 14 and been haveing anxiety with bouts of depression and panic attacks for over 2 years now. having anx does not make you a freak hun but leaves you feeling very unsure and scared. you will get lots of support and advice from all the great ppl on here and will make some great friends as well. im sorry your family dont understand but some ppl just dont even though some do try. dont forget about the chat room where you can talk to us all. take care .

kellie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-03-08, 13:31
hello tasha,i really feel for you sweetheart and whats happening to you.i was aged almost 10 when i first started with anxiety and panic attacks,brought on by moving from the house where i was born and having to attend a new school in a different part of town.we moved back to the same place where i was born but a different house within ten months you might think this would make me better but it didnt . i had no friends and felt isolated even though i was back in my old school no one wanted to know me they had all moved on and had new friends i was even taken out of regular school because i wouldnt go to school for the fear i had within me and was sent to a school where people were really severely mentally retarded and brain damaged at birth etc(which was totally wrong) and that left me feeling even worse that they think im a brain damaged person but this was almost forty years ago when mental health problems were not talked about so much and certainly not understood .your not wierd or crazy or any of the things you think.you say they talk about you behind your back well some of this will be from your anxiety and feelings of not being normal.you will get better love.any parent who tells their children to stay away from someone whos suffering is not worth bothering with.i teach my children to embrace people who are disabled in any way or seem lonely with no friends to befriend them and help them, make friends with them.i do this because i know how it felt to be 10 alone and scared in school .my mother didnt understand my panic attacks etc when i was 10 and she got frustrated and angry because she didnt know how to help me.i was sent to see a phychiatrist and put on diazapam at age 10.i did get over all that school phobia eventually when i met one special friend in secondary school. i married twice ive had six children.and although i do still get panic attacks im living.i still get scared just like you and somtimes feel worthless and lonely but im not mad like all the thousands of people who visit this site arent .if your family have never dealt with panic attacks they will find it hard to understand you.but it wont mean they dont love you.i get the feeling your fears come from a change in school.did it start after or just before starting secondary school?i think you should talk to your mum again show her thease posts from mature people who has been where you are now.cant she ask the head teacher at your school to pair you up with a nice friend,they cant all be nasty kids there.its that feeling your all alone thats makes this thing worse for you.if you had a friend who you could talk to about all sorts of things that teenagers talk about your self esteem would start to come back and your anxiousness would become less.one of my daughters who is the same age as you went through a really tough time of adjustment starting secondary school but with help from the school she is now happy and has a few good friends.she was really happy in junior school but became totally different when she knew she had to go to the big school she saw it has a terrible thing.i do hope you get some comfort in knowing that you will eventually have friends and people in your life who will not call you mad and see that your a lovely person with a lot to give. your just a confused and scared person right now.dont ever think that your truly alone.i thought this also at your age i would see others in gangs of friends on the playground and i would be frightend standing in a corner on my own worrying what they all thought of me.keep in touch you have friends on here for now all lovely people of all ages with very good hearts and good intentions who will be there for you to help you get through this ive seen quite a few young ones on here,its a great site for advice and importantly comfort and support.lots of hugs to you tasha my thoughts are with you.linda

25-03-08, 14:15
Hi Tasha

You're not alone!! we'll be here for you!
Maybe you could go to the library and get out a book on Panic attacks/anxiety and ask to read it with your parents. This might help all of you.
Your parents need to be educated - your doctor should be able to help you. If you get referred to a councillor they will also be able to speak to your parents and guide them on how to help you.
I would also speak to a teacher you trust and tell them what you heard the parents say. They should also be able to help you make friends.

You're not alone

25-03-08, 14:23
Hello Tasha, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Have to say that it's really dreadful the way folk are treating you!!!!!!
I feel real sorry for you in your situation,
I know that it is hard for alot of people to understand anxiety,
however this is 2008 and not the 1800's and you would think that the parents at your school if not the kids would at least have a modicum of understanding and common sense.:lac: :wacko:
You are most definately not a freak or have a mental illness even! Anxiety is extremely common, and at the age of 13 i should imagine it's a difficult time. full of lots of stresses
Is there a kind teacher you can talk to? and explain what is happening. You may need to be very open and honest with her.
It's true there are alot of people on this web site who are similar in age to you and going through similar problems
Anyway, take care, good luck:bighug1: And i think that school of sounds absolutely awful!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way do u live in a small area/tight knit community ?
There are many that live in the past and are narrow minded:wacko::doh:
Best Wishes Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-03-08, 14:35
hello tasha and welcome you are not alone with this im sorry you have to hear all the negative things..people who havent experienced this will never know how we feel.....theres alot of info here and people who understand ...i wish ya well..........linda xx

25-03-08, 20:55
Hi Tasha,

Welcome to the Forum!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

25-03-08, 21:10
Hi Tasha

Just wanted to welcome you aboard.

Sorry to hear that people don't understand but we do on here so you will get loads of support and advice.

25-03-08, 21:40
Hi Tasha and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You aren't alone and are definitely not a freak. People sometimes choose not to understand but that says a lot more about them.

Take care,

Mike :)

26-03-08, 17:11
Hi Tasha,

welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

12-03-09, 03:37
my dad thinks im mental hes a northen boy so u gotta rough it out nonsense u need 2 talk i will listen take care

12-03-09, 08:40
Hi Tasha and :welcome: to the site, you'll get a lot of support on here that will really help you, take care xx

12-03-09, 08:59
Please note this post is nearly a year old now!

12-03-09, 16:03
Hullo, I am quite old now but I have never forgotten how unhappy I was as a teenager. So many teenagers are unhappy but don't realize until they're older that they are not alone. I remember pretending that I just didn't care when all the time I was devastatingly unhappy. It does get better, a little at a time. I don't know how to help you because as I said, I am old but perhaps you yourself can think of small ways you can help yourself. I know that even now if I am feeling down, if I smile at people they tend to smile back & for some reason I feel a little better.
You are among friends here, I realize that because you have had so many replies.
My best wishes to you & for you.

12-03-09, 19:44
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

14-03-09, 15:21
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx