View Full Version : Diarreah anyone?

25-03-08, 09:45
I've been on Citalopram for anxiety for about 10 weeks - 6 weeks on 10mg and the last 4 on 20mg. My main anxiety symptoms were feeling sick, shaky, panicky and bowel problems. Most of the symptoms have now subsided and I now feel fine most of the time. However, I still get bouts of diarreah first thing in the morning. It does seems to be improving as previously I would get it nearly every day and now it only happens a couple of times a week, usually on a Monday morning or when I have to be somewhere - I can usually anticipate when its going to happen!! Although knowing its "all in my head" helps, I find it difficult to control and sometimes avoid arranging to do things in case it sets me off. Can anyone give me any tips on how to stay on top of this? I sometimes take immodium on mornings I think I might have the runs, but don't think this can be healthy?!?!


25-03-08, 12:17
I get Loperamide on prescription. It is a common symptom of anxiety and I'm sure your GP will help.