View Full Version : Not sure I can wait this long

25-03-08, 09:52
Hey Guys

My doctor referred me for Counselling with regards to my Health Anxiety. I had a letter through that said there was a 3 month waiting list!!

To be honest I just don't feel I can go on that bit longer.

I had a look on the Oxford CBT therapy site, (which I really want to try) and it says you can self refer yourself for therapy. Although they prefer GP referrals.
I wanted to ask if anyone else has self referred before? Or should I wait til i see my doctor next week and ask for a referral?


25-03-08, 13:09
I'd phone and ask them about self referral. Also, Relate do counselling for alsorts of things, not just amrraiges, soit might be worth phoning them, as its means tested, too, so hopefully won't cost the earth. There are some good online CBT courses (livinglifetothefull is one), and some books (Amazon - CBT or health anxiety).

25-03-08, 13:23
The only downside to self referral is the cost - a referral thro a GP is for NHS services (hence the waiting list). If you can afford it - go for it !
Be kind to yourself

25-03-08, 13:28
I too was also told there was a mega waiting list locally for CBT and decided I really couldn't put up with myself for any longer so I got out the old Yellow Pages. I scanned through the "Counsellor" section and cross ref'd to the "Psychotherapy" page (what CBT really comes under) and 2 appeared in both. I rang one and have now been seeing her for a couple of months. I know I'm having to pay but as I'm feeling the benefits already I think it's worth every penny - more to the point I think I'M (I@M) worth every penny! A session costs £40 which is less than I would spend on a night out or a decent meal (neither of which I do more than once in a blue moon) and CBT when done properly helps you address your fears and unclutter the way you think.
If you can afford it I would definitely consider bypassing the NHS and self referring locally - you can also then make sure it fits in with the other 3 million things you have to do xxxx

25-03-08, 20:45
3 months is such a long time to wait if you a struggling so badly.

I am looking into going to see a private therapist and £40 doesn't seem as much as I thought it would be.

I would definatly go private if you can afford it hon.

Hope you soon get sorted

25-03-08, 21:30
I have recently received a letter about CBT on the NHS and I was told the waiting list is 6 months in my area, so three months sounds good to me!!! I have been to see a Private therapist through the Priory before each session cost £50 (that was a couple of years ago), I didn't actually like my therapist so stopped going which coincided with me getting an appointment through the NHS 4 months later. If you feel you can't wait and can afford it I would definitely go private as you won't have to wait around.

01-06-08, 02:00
I was told the waiting list was 18 months where I live (Bristol)