View Full Version : How can I get stronger???

25-03-08, 15:45
I'm so fed-up/angry with myself and hope someone can point me in the right direction to get myself fit and healthy again!!:blush: I'll try to keep this as short as possible .... I've been agoraphobic for over 30 years :( sometimes able to function normally, others not. The past year has been quite stressful tho I seemed to cope okay (looking after my elderly mum after a knee replacement; 2 close friends dying; my rabbit and dog dying:weep:, plus other stuff!). A year ago I had to have a CAT scan as I was getting weird numbness down my face, arm and leg - the doctor kindly told me I was probably having mini-strokes and to take small amounts of aspirin! The scan results came back "clear" and that was it. I've had a nosebleed since February which worried me as I'd never had them before - plucked up the courage to see the nurse and it turns out to be a sore place up my nose - was given antibiotic cream and told not to worry.

I managed to calm myself down and stop worrying but then came down with a stomach bug last Thursday until Sunday. Since then, each time my nose bleeds I have a massive panic attack - my legs feel as though they're about to give way - but the worst thing is I can't stop crying - grrrrrrr!

I honestly think that the events of the past year have caught up with me and I'm well and truly run down. Oh yes, I forgot to say, I came off Nitrazepam sleeping pills last March too (I was addicted for many years and was weaned off them!). I have a 21st birthday party for my daughter on 12th April which should be a great occasion as it'll be a family/friend get together but I'm scared stiff I'm going to break down for no reason - grrrrr again!

I guess my question is.. can anyone suggest ways I can strengthen both my mind and my body and start to get well again? I really am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!:wacko:

I'm going to work my way through the posts in this forum - from what I've read so far, what I'm feeling isn't unique? I HATE feeling this way and know that I need to do something about it.

If you've read this far, THANK YOU!!

Wendy (aka doodah) xxxx

25-03-08, 16:10
hello there :welcome: afraid haven't got any wise words, but sounds like you're really fed-up and wanting to do something about your life:yesyes:
Your post is the first step explaining exactly whats been going on through the years. The next is realising that there are whole lorry load's of similar people out there all trying in their own way to find the right path. Ive always been amazed at some of the stories on here from fellow sufferers.
Yes read through the posts and advice/replies it really does help.
Stay with the site, and do what helps you and you feel comfortable with, Whether the chat room, the forum, or whatever
Love to you & take care Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-03-08, 16:22
Awww - thank you so much for your reply Richie:). I've just added a post to the agoraphobia diary - hopefully if I check in there daily I can start thinking more positively, eh? Just wish this blasted snivelling would stop - hey ho!

Take care,

Wendy xxxx

25-03-08, 16:48
Hi Wendy.

Can appreciate your concern over the nosebleeds. I myself am a sufferer, and yes I too panic like crazy. It's got to the point where I have now become agorophobic because I'm scared to go out incase I get one. Never used to get them but it seems now everytime I blow my nose, if there is the slightest trace of blood (without going into too much detail) I panic. Iv'e suffered anxiety for about 40 years (I'm 53) and have been told that there is no relation to the two. However, I think that there is. It seems that a lot of people who suffer anxiety also can get nosebleeds. OK, nosebleeds are very common as any doctor will tell you. The vessels in the nose are very close to the surface and the slightest agravation can make them break and therefore bleed. As a matter of interest, the Aspirin you were prescribed for your suspected mini strokes, has the effect of thinning the blood and can therefore be one of the reasons. Another I think is high blood pressure. After my last bleed (which was nothing to get panicky about, but I did) I went to the doctor to get my blood tested. My BP was medium to high, normally it's always notmal. The blood test was all normal, so there was no abnormality to worry about. As Anxiety sufferers our blood pressure can sometimes go high and I think this could be the reason for the bleeds. You say your tests were all normal (good) but it appears you still get the bleeding. It could be a weakness there after previous bleeds. Do a search on this forum for nosebleeds (DO NOT GOOGLE) and you will be suprised the amount of people who get them.

Take care.


25-03-08, 18:21
Hello Kevin and thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear about your nosebleeds. The CAT scan and aspirin I had was over a year ago so not related to the nosebleeds. I actually think that I've had a bit of sinus trouble which, like you say, has probably aggravated the lining of my nose. Never having had nosebleeds it put the fear of God into me!! But I will check these forums and definately NOT Google my symptoms - I've self-diagnosed myself so many times as I'm sure so many people have - not a good idea when you're an anxiety sufferer is it?!!:blush: I'm glad I'm not the only "ancient" member here - I'm 53 too! I always feel I'm old enough to know better but life's not like that is it!

Thanks again,


Forgot to say, my blood pressure is usually pretty low but I'm wondering if it can suddenly rise when having a panic attack? I wish I'd taken more notice at school when we were learning Biology!!

25-03-08, 23:36
Consider that you are having a "healing crisis" Doo. Our body sometimes needs to break up that stagnent energy blocks ... but when it does it feels like the flood gates have opened and we want to run for higher ground. Remember ... you are HEALING ... and thank goodness everything passes.

Oh, and a thousand thank yous for this afternoon. You were a godsend.


26-03-08, 02:50
Hello Wendy:hugs: ,

As you say, you've had to cope with alot in the past year and now you're feeling the effects.

Have you ever talked to a counsellor? They could help you through this period to help you regain your strength.

I think everything has just got too much for you so you're focussing on every worry that presents itself.

You Will get through this I'm sure because we often find a way to bounce back.:hugs:

26-03-08, 18:51
Hello EM and Bill and thanks both for your lovely words. You're both right - I reckon I've well and truly run myself into the ground and all the tears etc are a sort of release - phew! I gave myself a really good talking to last night (I hope I was listening!!:blush: ) and decided that, for every negative thought I get, I'm going to put in one positive! Fingers crossed eh?

And EM, I thoroughly enjoyed the chat room yesterday - it's really great to talk with likeminded people!

Thanks again both,

Wendy :-)

26-03-08, 20:11
Hi Wendy,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Sometimes,we can burden ourselves with setting our initial targets at a very high level.Try to focus on just one day at a time.Do your best on each day to improve your physical and mental health,Start with gentle exercise-a pleasant walk-and build from there.Eat a varied,well balanced diet.Make sure you do things every day which you enjoy and which mentally stimulate you. Make sure you get good rest.
A tiny acorn grows into a beautiful oak tree-it takes time.
Allow yourself time to change.
Best wishes,

26-03-08, 22:14
Aww thanks for the welcome Chalky :) I reckon I am guilty of being an "all or nothing" type of person and then I wonder why I've drained my batteries, eh? I'm going to take your advice and give myself time!!

Thanks again,

Wendy xx

27-03-08, 11:48

What a great post. You've summed it up in a nutshell. We do tend to set ourselves targets that are maybe too high. Probably because we remember how we used to be before all this and want to rush and get back to that point again. As you say though, we need to take it one step at a time and build up our strength and fitness. Anxiety takes its toll on our bodies and we lose so much strength and energy just by worrying. We need to take care and approach our goals gently till our bodies and minds are healed properly.


27-03-08, 17:14
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: for you Wendy
love Mags xxxxxxx

07-04-08, 22:13
Awww thank you for the hugs Mags!! I've just come back to re-read my post cos, after a few weeks of no significant nosebleed, the blasted thing started again today and put the fear of God into me ... again!! I think I panicked so much that I forgot my pride and rang the nurse practitioner who had previously said if I needed to phone her, feel free! She was very calming and said that I'd probably have to go to A&E for them to probably corterise (spelling?) it. I think she could hear the panic in my voice and said "but, as the antibiotic cream hasn't fixed the nosebleeds, I think we'll try penicillin first. Then, if that doesn't work, it's off to A&E"! Phewwwwwww!! I'm trying EVER so hard not to dwell on this nosebleed - fingers crossed the tablets will do the trick, eh?!

Wendy xxxxxxxxx

08-04-08, 08:37
hiya doodah hun, first of all god bless you and big big hugs and lots of love to you. im sure you nosebleeds are just something very simple and will get sorted out for you. silly question but has your blood pressure been checked latley? as app high blood pressure can cause nosebleeds. you are running your self into the ground and need to take time out for you. i know this as i was doing it myself up untill 12 months ago when i became pretty ill myself. i was try to cope with

my hubbie who has had panic/anx/depression for 7 years,
my 3 daughters who fell apart after 3 deaths in the family in 12 months.
my elderly nan who is 90 and has alzimers ( attending to her 6 hours a day)
running my own house
looking after 4 dogs
8 rats
and 1 bloody cat
and my own feeling over losing my two young nephews and my uncle.
why do we think we are super women?
any way hun please take time out for you and get your self feeling good again. you have all our support and we will boost you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

kellie .xxxxxxxxxxxxx

jackie l
08-04-08, 14:37
hiya wendy you can get stronger. i had my first massive panic attack in nov 07,since then its been anxiety attacks.but back in feb i thought enough is enough i refuse to let this rule my life,so i found out as much info out as i could, cut out caffine and choc etc, things got better and last week i stopped smoking(after 35 years) and things have improvred.also when i start to feel anxious and my heart starts racing i just think to myself i am not scared of you bring it on! and belive me it is working. i hope these few tips might help you and anyone else take care and be strong xx jackie:yesyes: