View Full Version : Worried!!!!

25-03-08, 20:20
Hi i posted on here last week about my visit to the hospital for my pre-op assesment.After them testing my water, they found i had a water infection:ohmy:

Anyway i went to see my GP today and took a sample of water with me to be tested, as its only 6 days away from me having my op.:scared10:

Well he said that i have a small amount of protein in my water but nothing that i would need to have antibiotics,and he told me to drink loads of water.

I just can't get it into my head that i have not got a bad infection and that the op won't take place.:weep:what if the doctor got the test wrong?

I really need this op as i have suffered for a long time with my left shoulder,and so much pain,the thought of not having it done is causing me so much worry now.:weep:

If i drink loads of water will this flush anything that is there away?and how much and how often do i need to drink?or is there anything else that may help me?

I am so sorry for asking but it is really tearing at me now, and its worrying me like mad.


25-03-08, 20:24
You could try drinking cranberry juice, or taking concentratd ectract of cranberry (available at boots and others). traditionally, this is good for infections of the bladder. Also, some people naturally have a small amount of protein in their urine, depending on their kidneys - nothing sinister, just what some poeple are like!

25-03-08, 20:47
Lemon barley waster is ment to be good for the water works cranberry juice deffinatly is.
Just drink as much as you can and that way you will flush yourself out well.
Good luck with the op hon

25-03-08, 22:31
hi there red rose

please don't painc. i get water infections quite frequently and i drink a glass or 2 of water or cranberry juice every hour or 2 for a couple of days and it keeps me topped up.
all it does is make you pee and flush out all the toxins just keep up with the fluids and you'll be fine. good luck with the operation xx

25-03-08, 22:48
Thanks for the replies,don't know what i would do without this site, you are all so very helpful and caring.:hugs:

Off to the supermarket tomorrow and will stock up on cranberry juice.

Probably will drink myself silly now for the next few days.:D

25-03-08, 22:51
Make sure you get proper cranberry juice, and not 'cranberry flavour' or a cranberry mixed drink. That's why I went for the concentrated extract of cranberry pills.

25-03-08, 23:44
Every time I have a urine sample done they say it has blood and protein in it.

They do another one and send it off and nothing! All clear so mistakes can be made I guess

Did they test the urine with one of those sticks they put in it?