View Full Version : How long??

25-03-08, 22:20

I am not sure why I am writing this because I will only get myself into a mess if noone can help me!! Here goes!! In the middle of January I was diasnosed with a chest infection after having blood in my phlegm, antibiotics didn't work so ended up having another course along with steriods had clear phlegm for about a week, then it turned yellow again and is like a browny orange colour in the mornings. I feel like I have been back to the drs countless times and he is not doing anything about this, I feel like I am bringing this stuff up all day long, my dr ended up doing a sputum sample that came back with some strep thingy germ in it but he said it was perfectly normal and if my phlegm is yellow it is more than likely viral and will clear up in time or it could be something called post nasal drip, which sounds disgusting and I don't dare look it up. My husband thinks that I am obsessed with phlegm (it literally is the first thing I think about in the morning) and he says he has watched me and I am constantly clearing my throat, he says he has phlegm regularly and just spits it out and doesn't analyse it like I do (which I definitely do).
I keep feeling like I should go back to the drs and ask for more tests as this is not a normal amount of phlegm, I never suffered from this problem before January and I am sooooooo worried it is something serious (lung cancer).

Has anyone had a virus that has produced phlegm and took a while to clear up, I wish I could get over this obsession as it's not a very nice one!!

Any advice would be appreciated


25-03-08, 22:48
Hey Alex:D

Dont worry please:)

Its called being human.....we all produce phlegm and other lovely things!!!!

If you have seen the doc then Im sure you are just fine!!!!

I smoke and what I cough up is interesting to say the least lol:D

Please calm down:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-03-08, 22:55
Yes, I produce lots of phlegm, also. your hubby is probably right about the over analysis, though. post nasal drip is just where snot runs from your nose down your throat. As it travels, it picks up microbes and dirt, and so can look yellow (I think!).

The strep germ thing is found in almost everybody's throat. it is a virus and can cause sore throats and stuff. If it is viral (and sooo many things are), then the doc is right. it will get better on its own, and it may take time. I think most people's phlegm is a yellowish colour - mine is. It's becuase your phlegm is designed to rid your throat and lungs of microbes and dirt, so it will get coloured. do you smoke?

25-03-08, 23:01
I don't smoke, I used to on and off for about 10 years, gave up before I had my little boy about 2 years ago. I have just never noticed the colour of my phlegm to be honest until I got this chest infection then I became so obsessed that there might be blood in it again I started checking it all the time, it's annoying how something so disgusting can take over your life!!! HA really has alot to answer for!!