View Full Version : Volunteering at MIND

26-03-08, 09:57
Hi all

Just thought I would give an update as I have been volunteering at MIND for a month now and I am really enjoying it.

It was a bit of an eventful evening last night as there were a few people there who were quite eccentric and others who were more shy and sensitive - a little argument broke out because of this but it calmed down eventually. It just goes to show that people with mental health problems, need to be more tolerant of other people, also with mental health problems, and not just the "normal" people ;)

The whole experience is opening my eyes more to how different in character people can be, which can only be a good thing. I think its also helping me become more tolerant of people - not necessarily people with mental health problems, but just people in general.

One person who came in was such a great artist, his pictures were so colourful and you could see the feeling that had gone into them. I asked if drawing was theraputic for him and he said it was. He had been having a tough time and I wont go into details, but I felt quite sad for him that he could not see what a talented person he was.

Its moments such as when I was talking to this person, that I like about the volunteering. Its nice when people open up and trust you. My trouble is, I wish I could take all their troubles away, but I cant. But being there for them to talk to, makes me feel like I am doing some good :)

Jo xxxxx

26-03-08, 10:36
well done you :)

I think it says alot about what a nice person you are, doing this, and I mean that.

Mind you, you will need to be doing it another few years before you can tolerate me ;)

I hope you continue to enjoy it more and more.

Best wishes

Jaco x

26-03-08, 10:49
:yesyes: hi jo, it is brilliant what you are doing - you must be very caring - just have to be aware though that you cant help any more than you can - if you get my drift? dont take on too much of other ppls troubles?

i have also started volunteering but in the local save the children shop! and that may not be a mental health charity but there were a few odd balls in there the day i did - it didnt put me off - and just goes to show that the world is made up of all sorts and its good not to be scared or judgemental of ppl because then we feel better ourselves:hugs: so well done you and keep up the good work!!!!:flowers:

26-03-08, 13:05
just wanted to say that's great, :yesyes: i think you will be a very good person for this type of work, know i don't know you but considering your replies on the forum shows that you are caring and give some good advice.
The best of success with it
Luv Richie:hugs: xxxxxxxxxx