View Full Version : Getting worse...

26-03-08, 13:11
Over the last few days my anxiety has been getting worse. I cant sit down and watch the telly in the evening as I need something to distract me ie. cleaning:ohmy: The night time is awful and I cant sleep. I saw the doc today and he has given me prozac, I have always been against anti depressants but Im willing to try anything to shake off this constant feel of dread..
I have also been given more temazepam, which Im worried about becoming addicted to. It works so well and I wish it wasnt addictive so I could take it all the time. This is my second lot of 14 in two months:ohmy:
Im hoping the prozac will help in the long run as I cant go on like this. If it wasnt for my kids I would end it all....

26-03-08, 13:21
sorry that you are feelin bad at the moment love, give the Prozac a go, but beware some can make you feel a bit worse before you start feeling better I am three weeks into taking SEROXT, the first week was absolute hell but I stuck with it, I am now feeling a lot better, and managed to shop in Liverpool by myself on Monday getting buses and trains, I have also managed to sit in the pub for a hour so things are improving, my mind is more focused etc, don't be beating yourself up over taking two lots of tablets in as many months, who is measuring, give yourself a chance, remember you need to be your own best friend for a while, learn to love yourself and give yourself a bit of nuturing, spoil yourself (I know its hard when you're the mum) but you have to just for a little while.
Give yourself some time,
Take care lots of love

26-03-08, 13:27
Hiya Kaz,

I know how you feel about that constant feeling of dread and i agree, it's not nice at all. Many of us here feel the exact same way so please don't think you are on your own.

Have you got anyone you can talk to? i mean REALLY talk to? When i feel really low or scared, the best think for me is to get it all out in the open and to get some reasurance. If you don't feel you can talk to someone face to face then pm me and i will give you the number of a helpline where you can chat and get some advice.

Take care gal


26-03-08, 13:28
Im a little apprehensive as I took citalopram for 6 months a couple of years ago and It made me psychotic and ended up having to take olanzapine. Im so scared this will happen again. I just want to get better.:weep:

26-03-08, 13:47
I think its best to agree with your doctor to see you every couple of weeks just to keep a check on you while taking new medication. you may get some side effects before it clicks in.