View Full Version : Help....toothache And Dentist!!!!

26-03-08, 18:49

Had this weird thing going on!!!!

Kept getting really bad gum rather than tooth pain in upper right jaw!

Anadins normally see it off but today.....AGONY!!!!!

Saw dentist in Jan and teeth were ok!!!

Today I have been in agony:weep:

Pain seems to be coming from one tooth which is ok but has a big filling in it!!!

The whole of my right hand upper jaw hurts!!!

Any idea what it could be???

Going to dentist at 4.30pm tomm so dreading it being pulled out!!!

Anyone had a tooth out lately and how was it??

This is a back tooth but not a wisdom one!!!

Im ok now cos have taken prescription painkillers and loads of vodka lol....shouldent I know but had to do something lol

Any help or advice welcome

Thanks Guys

Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-03-08, 18:53
Might be an absess so they would give you anti b's first and then probably refill it.

I've had 2 back teeth out and it took a few seconds, that was it. No pain, no bleeding to speak of, nothing. I'd much rather have one extracted than have a filling any day.

Good luck!


26-03-08, 19:07
Hi Usually if its an abcess it sounds different when you tap on it, could also be an infection, I had all my top teeth out last year after suffering for many years with abcesses, infections, bridge work etc.
I had a phobia about dentist a bigger one about teeth and an even bigger one about false teeth, Im still alive.
Not long to go, always someone on call at hospital though if its gets too bad.
take care and go easy on what you take.xxxx

26-03-08, 19:11
Hi Kazzie

Sorry to hear about your tooth hun,:hugs: im terrible when it comes to dentists i need a tooth pulling out myself but havent plucked up the courage to have it removed. If you are braver than me and need it taken out you could always ask your GP if he could prescribe a diazipam for you, thats what i did but its still in the cupboard in the box....lol..vodka sounds a good idea though:winks: . Hope you get it sorted soon, there is nothing worse than tooth ache:hugs:


26-03-08, 19:20
Thanks Guys:D

Im cool with going to dentist....she is lovely just wondered what is causing it !!!!

Oh well wait and see I guess:blush:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-03-08, 20:59
Defo sounds like an absceshttp://www.heathersanimations.com/messages/hugs6.gif

26-03-08, 21:13
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Its fine now but:whistles:

Done all sorts I shouldent have lol:blush:

Right dentist tomm....see what she has to say:wacko:

Kaz x xx :hugs:

26-03-08, 21:49

What does having a tooth out involve???:shrug:

Last one I had out was donkeys years ago:weep:


Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-03-08, 22:50
Kazzie, you have my sympathy...I broke a tooth a fortnight ago (kind of right hand side molar) then cracked the remaining tooth by clenching in my sleep...this then broke along with some of the filling and I was dreading what the dentist would say (am terrified of dentist). But he said they tend not to pull teeth out if they can help it...I thought I would need root treatment (gulp) but he has tried a filling instead....that was two weeks ago and like you the whole of the right side of my jaw aches and Im having to take regular ibuprofen...dentist says I need to leave it sto see if tooth 'settles' if not Ill need root treatment and a crown (double gulp)....I now wish he had done that in first place to get it over with.

Yours sounds like it may be an abscess kazzie...they are very painful....makes th treatment seem more of a relief than anything else....I had a back tooth extracted because of an abscess a few years ago and it was honestly ok (much easier than suffering the pain of the abscess anyway). Good luck Kazzie...let us know how you get on and sorry for hijacking your thread.

luv Coni XX

26-03-08, 23:28
My dad had two teeth out today kazz,all he felt was some pulling no pain.He hasnt had any pain since it woke up either.It has bled a little as he is on asprin.Im sure they wont take it out,probably need antibiotics.It may be neuralgia.:hugs:

26-03-08, 23:39
Hi Kazzie
Sorry your in pain with your tooth. Im the biggest coward regarding having a tooth out but had a few out recently and iwas fine i too would rather have a tooth out than a filling its quicker. Got a check up next month and am dreading it let us know how you get on.
Take care
Anne xx

26-03-08, 23:49
I am about to lose 2 teeth and have them capped and terrified - put it off for 1.5 years so far but can't eat on them now!!!

27-03-08, 00:32
Hi Kaz

I hope all goes well with the dentist :hugs:

I sympathise because my teeth are in a terrible state but I haven't got a dentist and I'm too scared to get them sorted. Need several back ones pulled out I think and don't know if dentists are keen to do that these days.

Anyway, good luck and I will be thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

27-03-08, 13:22
I had the same and it is agony all around the gum area and face was painfull, mine was an abcess and he removed the filing to let it drain then gave me antibiotics cleaned it out and refilled it and i have had no problem since, i have also had teeth removed (all 4 wisdom teeth at 2 apointments) the dentist knew how nervous i was and gave me a shot of valium before he even numbed them and i never felt a thing just felt pleasantly merry for a few hours, but it ached like a bugger when it wore of and i lived on painkillers for a few days but i never felt anxious. I would say don't suffer in silence and don't try and act brave, make sure the dentist knows just how much being there scares you!.

Jacq x

27-03-08, 17:01

Hope all went well at the dentist today hun :hugs:


27-03-08, 18:02
Hope it went well Kaz.

Totally sympathise as I'm going through a bit of tough time dentally myself. Been having toothache in a back wisdom tooth since before Xmas then had it temporary filled for a week which didn't settle so then had root canal work done.

Then yesterday it ached so bad that I rang the emergency dentist to calm me down after doing a stupid bit of googling (and after all I say to you lot when you google too :blush: ).

I ended up this afternoon having it redressed cleaned etc and now back at home with a numb gob sipping my cocoa.

If it doesn't work this time then I will be having it out so I am pleased to read the encouragement of the posts referring to extraction cos I haven't had one done since being a kid.

I have to tell you that I cried at the dentist today because I felt drained with pain, very tired and pmt-ish and I realised I look well old without my makeup. I told the dentist don't be worrying about me I'm at a funny age so just ignore me.

Sure wished I'd gone steady on the blackjacks and fruitsalads now!!!

Piglet :flowers:

27-03-08, 22:15
Lol Piglet.....god them sweeties have a lot to answer for eh???:D

Well I have decided Im going mad!!!:blush:

Got up this morning(rather ropey after abuse of booze and pills lol) and toothache had gone:ohmy:

Roger has googled on my behalf and seems stress can cause dental pain!!!!

Cancelled appt with dentist and seem to be ok:yesyes:

I give up lol:D

Thanks for all the support....means a lot:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-03-08, 22:46
Hugs Piglet and Kaz :hugs:

I sympathise with you both as I've got lots of dental problems. I hope the pain settles.

Karen xx

27-03-08, 23:34

Glad to hear you are pain free:) ! hope things settle down for you now.

Hope things settle for you too Piglet !

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-03-08, 02:41
I can relate to stress being the cause of dental pain. my sister said she went back to her Dentist 2 or 3 times in pain and there was nothing wrong and he asked her if she had any personal problems that might be manifesting themselves in toothache. She had a stressed out job as a teacher and soon as she relaxed about all the rubbish in her job the aches stoppped.

28-03-08, 11:52
Gosh that's interesting isn't it - we do hold an awful lot of stress in our jaws don't we (well I do).

Piglet :flowers: