View Full Version : Gaaaargh! Upper abdominal pain

26-03-08, 18:51
I'm so peeved. I have recurring abdominal pain, and it's happening agian. Upper right quadrant, in exactly the same place, right under my right rib. it's a constant, burning pain, as if a hot pebble were there at all times. I'm also going to the loo more often than normal.

I've had investigations and been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia, which can cause heart burn, but am not convinced this is it. I had an ultrasound of gall bladder and kidneys, and they are both fine. I'm sure it's not anxiety caused, as I'm not anxious about anything at the moment (unlike previous incidences) - the pain is definitely causing the anxiety, not the other way round.

Sigh. Back to the docs for me. Irritatingly, I am worried it may be my pancreas, so am abstaining from alchohol - been four days now! :noangel:

However, I reeeeeaaaalllly want just a small glass of red wine. I'm a teacher, and bought myself a really nice bottle to have over the holidays...it's sitting looking delicious in front of me.

I might have a small glass with dinner and see how I feel.

Not sure why I am posting, really....just cross with myself for getting worked up again. On the plus side, I have not convinced myself it is anything fatal, which is good!

27-03-08, 23:12
Hi Seeker,

Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with a hiatus hernia, my mum has this and it took her along time to understand that certain foods and drinks kicked it off, causeing a lot of pain. She does have meds for hers which doc, gave and only takes it when she needs to, at first she used it alot, bacuase she did not really know what food or drinks where kicking it off, she spoke to a women who said that cabbage kicked hers off, which is strange, you would think that a veg would be ok, but not for this lady, it kicked her hernia off for some reason.

Stress can kick it off, because our body producers more gasses then in turn makes more acid because of the hernia, it dose not take long for the acid to pop up where is should not be. You say its the pain causing the anxiety, but hun, if your having anxiety over the pain then the body will produce more wind and give you more gasses, your going round in cuirculs, do you know what I mean?

Before mum was told what she had, she was hols in florida, had a good meal, than had to run across a road, ohhh boy, she thought she was having a heart attact the pain what that bad. BUT, what triggered the pain to be that bad was the food, the fear, cos she did not know what was wrong with her.

It can be dame hard finding what food or drink is triggering you hiatus off, but you can get quid lines via your gp, if you don't want to google, googleing can cause more stress cos if you are sensitive to reading things you look more on the negative side than positive, if you know what I mean.

What meds have your doc given you, mum had some and they stopped working but doc gave her something else and this works when she needs it, when she eats or drinks something that kicks it off. After all you have to have a treat now and again.

Hun, this can be very, very painfull, but if you take the right meds and try find out what food and drink is kicking it off, it helps sooo much.

My mum has has this now for mmm I think, 3 years, her's, now only kicks off now and again. She does eat healthy, but can still go out and have a good nosh up, even a McDonalds LOL

Hun, pop back to your gp and have a good chat, I feel for you, I know this can be very painfull, but with the right meds and the right foods and drinks, it can be controled, please pop back to gp.

Its great to hear your not thinking its something fatal, WELL DONE.

Hope this has been of some help.



28-03-08, 10:36
Hi Jill,
Thank you for this! it's reassuring to know other people have similar things. My doc thinks it might be my gall bladder cuasing this specific pain under the ribs, so has referred me back to gastroenterology. it's a lot better today, thank goodness!

Glad your mum feels better!

30-03-08, 02:52
Your pancreas isn't there, much more likely to be gall bladder or bowel.

30-03-08, 22:15
Hi Cattttt, (Had to count the ts!), thanks for that. Yes, I think it is my gall bladder. Feeling a bit better today.

04-04-08, 13:30
hiya i had that exact pain u described and it was recurring. turns out i had gallstones and had key hole surgery to have my gallbladder removed! everythings fine now. xxxxxx

05-04-08, 01:47
I had exacxtly the same thing for days on end and it turned out to only be trapped wind.
Coupla burps and a good fart and it's gone.
Phill :shades:

05-04-08, 18:44
Hi Seeker,

How are you feeling?

What I should have said was, my mum gets here pain where you get yours, just under the ribs, she can get them in her chest too, or burning feeling. Her meds are good, but its what she eats that effects her the most, she does have to be carfull what she eats AND drinks. Eating or drinking something that triggers her prob, makes MORE acid, this in turn, makes MORE wind and the wind goes in some funny places and causes pain.

Hope your feeling a little better