View Full Version : Am I going mad or is this normal???

26-03-08, 20:23
Hi Guys please help.....

For the last few weeks I have been suffering with visual disturbance like I have to go cross eyed and I can't help it.....also pains in my head worst when I bend down or strain, not like a headache and pain in my neck never had anything like this before and its freaking me out, I don't need to be focusing on any other symptons in addition to my general worries about my health, bottom line is worrying I have a brain tumor! please put my mind at rest any other sufferers along similiar lines?

Clare x

26-03-08, 21:10
I'm sure you don't have a brain tumor, The other week my eyes were really strange I could see fine out of them but there was just something not right about them, almost like I was walking around drunk all day long really. sitting at my computer did seem to make it worse but I did have it all day long. The back of my neck was hurting to at the top of my spine think this was tension. It does seem to be gettin a bit better this last week but I still come over all funny everynow and then like the floor is coming up to me, this can last for a few hours. Drinking water seems to help a bit.

06-10-08, 16:44
yes - i've also been getting this recently.

I can see, but it's like i feel a bit crossed eyed, and things are not totally sharp, especially the futher away things are.

I had an eye test in May of this year, and I had 20/20 vision, so I can't believe that my eyes have 'gone wrong' since then. i feel dizzy most of the time too.

I've also got the accompanying chronic neck ache about which you talk. it's always there (apart from when i'm in bed), and the neck ache seems to be adding to the dizziness as does the visual disturbance. at first i thought that it was part of the derealisation, but not sure.

Not sure if the three sypmtoms are interlinked. I spoke to my GP about it last week, and he referred me for some neck x-rays. I've got to wait a few weeks before I get the results. He's also referred me for some physio for the neck.

06-10-08, 18:09

I think this is all down to tension. Only yesterday, because I was really stressed I felt like my vision was going and I had a headache in the eye, couldn't even read. I also get blurred vision and when I go out some days everything is so bright I need to wear sunglasses. I go for regular eye checks and despite having to wear glasses for reading everything is fine so I would say it is just another symptom of the anxiety. I too suffer from the chronic neck ache and I agree this does add to the dizziness.


06-10-08, 18:38

You guys just wrote out my entire story. It's only been a week since I recovered from the bout of the weird eye syndrome. For two weeks straight, I woke up and well...I could see, but something wasn't right. I also felt dizzy. Eventually I figured out it was my eyes. My vision was exactly the same as before, but I couldn't concentrate on anything! But then after a while, I started staring at things to long, I started staring while being cross eyed. My thing was effecting my right eye more. Eventually my rigt eye began to hurt like crazy and I got a pounding headache. It was crazy. I could see but nothing was right! The right and left side of my neck was tense and hurt like heck! I also thought I had a brain tumor.

I told my doc. He told me that I was sitting online too long and told me to stop it. he said don't use the computer for more than 30 mins for at least a week. I noticed that helped. I still had that weird cross eyed staring issue, but the headache lessened.

Really weird but I can totally relate to your issue and it's NOT A BRAIN TUMOR.

06-10-08, 18:44
thanks for that yanksforever...

you maye have answered my eye thing. I WAS on the internet for most of yesterday, so maybe just down to strainig my eyes too much.

Also, this morning i went swimming. Didn't have my goggles on, don't normally. as I was swimming, my eyes started to mist up. I've had this before but mildy. but today, it was like it when i got out of the pool... thought i was going blind... when i got into the changing rooms, i could see mist and my eyes became sensitive to light...looked in the mirror and they were bloodshot...must have been some chlorine.

Sigh - there are probably rational simple answers to ALL our ailments... shame we can't see them!! Thanks again folks.