View Full Version : another depressed lost soul

22-03-05, 14:20
hi everyone just like to introduce myself im andy i live in liverpool currently takin citralopram tablets for the last week, these are makin me feel like crap gettin no help from my dr and gettin more and more suicidal by the day currently controllin the urges by either sleeping or tryin to keep busy but how long will it last? nice talkin to you all hope to see you all again soon

22-03-05, 14:26
Hi Andy, welcome to the site. You will get lots of help and support here from a very friendly bunch of people. Some antidepressants can make you feel worse for the first couple of weeks, but hang on in there. It can sometimes take a few weeks before you start top feel better, but things will get better for you soon I promise. Everyone here will give you lots of support so you are not alone. Have you told the doctor that you feel suicidal, this can sometimes be a side effect of the meds.
If ever you need to talk you can send me a PM or emeail me.
Don't give up, we are all here for you.
Take care
Love Lisa

22-03-05, 14:29
hi welcome to the forum im sure as you read the posts on here and see your not alone with this you will start to feel better
all medication takes time to work so you will feel worse before you feel better but i think maybe you should go back to your gp and mention the suicidal thoughts i was like that 5 years ago and had to be swapped a few times until i found something that helped, even now im only on night medication i have to go every 2 weeks and she always asks about self harm or suicidal thoughts so think maybe yours needs to know your feeling this way

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

22-03-05, 14:31
Hi Andy,
Welcome to the site. Im sorry you are having a bad time right now. You are not alone.
Give it time for the side effects to wear off and Im sure you will feel much better.

Take care
Jude x

22-03-05, 14:31
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the site. I have been taking citalopram for3 weeks, and i found the side effects hard to deal with too. Have you got a good gp? I had weekly telephone appts with mine to check how i was going, and i found that useful.

Take care,

tracy x x

22-03-05, 14:35
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help
and support you.



22-03-05, 14:40
Hi Andy

Welcome to the site and sorry to hear how down you are feeling. The tablets do take a few weeks to work and can often make you feel a lot worse before you start to see any benefit.

There are plenty of people on here who will support you and help you.

Try reading some of the many posts and you will see how people do get there in the end.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

(I deleted your other post as it was a duplicate of this)

Take care

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-03-05, 14:41
Hi Andy,
Welcome to the site.
Am fairly new myself but glad that I've found the site.
You get loads of support her so don't feel alone in this.
If your doc not helping see if you can see the practice nurse or even a counsellor and start getting back on track.
Keep us posted on how your getting on.
Stay positive honey...

with good wishes


22-03-05, 16:34
Hi Andy
Welcome to the site. As others have said it does take time for tablets to kick in so hang on in there and i'm sure you'll start to feel better. In the mean time stick around here and you'll get plenty of help and support from everyone to get you through this tough time.
Take care

22-03-05, 17:30
Hi Andy

Welcome to the forum. As others have said the side effects can be pretty bad for the first couple of weeks but I think it would be a good idea to mention to your doctor that you are feeling suicidal. Not all medications suit everyone and the doctor might want to review this.

If your doctor is not being helpful, perhaps you could see a different doctor in the practice.

We'll be here to help and support you through this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-03-05, 19:45


Antidepressants often do make us feel worse before we feel any better from taking them. It can take several weeks for the side-effects to calm down & for you to feel any real benefits from the meds.

I agree with the others who have suggested a return visit to the GP, just to tell him how you feel.

Everyone here will help & support you through this--don't give up, it will get easier.

Take care, & let us know how you are.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

22-03-05, 19:47
Hi Andy

Welcome aboard the fourm and I hope we can be of some help.

As for other issues - try the First Steps post at www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm


22-03-05, 20:21
hi andy

welcome to the site, you will getlots ofsupport here you are not alone when you feel down or suicidal post on this site i am sure you will recieve lots of help from the members.

take care


22-03-05, 21:04
Hi Andy,
Maybe youºd like to share abit more about the circumstances that led you to starting to take the Citoprolam.

Its not unusual to feel the worst ever during the first few weeks on it and the it does start to get better.

However if you cannot cope on themm, if your issues are to do with panic you can get through and improve without any meds at all.

Hang in there - it does get better either way

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

24-03-05, 10:52
hi guys its Andy
thanks for all your responses it is helping me to know im not the only one who feels like ****e and down about the tablets, Ive spoken to my doc and all he's said is to stay on them and give them time but i still get really down espesially in a morning and before i try to sleep i pray that i am dead wen i wake but never am, my partner is pissed off with me because he thinks its his fault but he doesnt realise that there is other issues going on, which i've tried to explain to him. But hey ill try to soldier on thanx guys speak soon

24-03-05, 11:00

Sorry your partner isnt handling this too well, but it is so hard for people who dont suffer to actually understand what is going on. Keep talking to him and offer him the reassurance that it isnt his fault and that you need all his support.

The tablets will take time so try and persevere as best you can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

24-03-05, 13:33
Hi again Andy, just wondered how you are feeling today. Are things any better? Sorry that your partner isn't coping too well with all this, my partner was exactly the same andjust couldn't cope with it - he still doesn't understand even after 5 years and I get so frustrated and resentful at times but I know it has been hard for him also as it isn't easy watching someone you love go through this sort of thing becuase I think they feel helpless and just don't know what to do for you. Have you tried discussing your issues with your partner and explaining that it is not his fault. Maybe your doctor could refer you for counselling, only a suggestion. If ever you need to talk about anything I am always here to listen as I have been where you are and know what it feels like to be suicidal but I came through it and so will you I am sure. Send me a PM or email me anytime you want.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

29-03-05, 23:21
Hey Andy,

Welcome to the forum. How are you feeling today? There's lots of people here who can understand what you're going through. Hope the meds start to kick in soon, they can take a while. But even if these ones don't help, there are plenty of other meds out there. Finding the right medication can be a pain, but good meds can bring a huge relief from depressed feelings (They certainly did for me). If your GP isn't very helpful, you have the right to see another one in the same surgery. Some GPs are more approachable than others! Talking to a counselly type can be a real release for some people too - if its something you think might help you, ask your GP, but if you don't get any joy from the GP, there may well be local support groups/charity running counselling services in your local area. Try internet searches/Citizen's Advice as a start. There's loads of support there out there (and here!) just waiting for you if/when you need it,
