View Full Version : Swollen ankles??? anyone????

26-03-08, 23:00
Hi, only me again having a wobbler!!
I know that it is normal when it is warm/hot for your ankles to swell a bit and your hands too. I noticed last year when i was away and it was warm and i just wore flat shoes that my ankles were swollen. I did quite a bit of walking, good for me and obviously no socks. When i wear socks it leaves a deep line, normal, but my ankles aren't swollen. I know this is because the socks keep your ankles in, so to speak, and helps the circulation, but i am concerned now because i just wore shoes today and have walked round the shops and that and now my ankles are swollen again. It is warm also though. It is not horrendous, i have seen much worse, and the swelling isn't bulging as such, it's just when i look down i can tell my ankles look fatter! When i push my finger in it leaves an indent too. It is mainly on the inside of my ankle though. Please put my mind at rest that this is perfectly normal and i am ok. Just got this stuck in my mind now, something else i know. But i know that when i get up in the morning my ankles will be back to normal again, however, i am planning on not wearing socks tomorrow for work so this will happen again won't it? I know about sitting with my feet up but am i that old that i will have to keep doing that all the time, lol. I just want to be normal again. :doh: Any reassurance please?

26-03-08, 23:03
My mum gets this a lot and takes water tablets for it and it helps.

She hates going abroad cos it is worse but the tablets do help.

It is nothing sinister though

26-03-08, 23:10
Thanks Nic, just needed to hear those words there at the end, lol.
'Nothing sinister though', lol. Sorry for being a wimp.xx

26-03-08, 23:20
Angie - she went to doc and he said it was the heat and water retention so nothing more than that

27-03-08, 18:00
OK so when i got up this morning i thought that they would have gone down like they normally do, but NO!!! They are still the same and so i wore socks and my normal flat shoes for work today and i have just checked them and they are still the flippin' same!!! This is really scaring me now as they should have gone down after bed shouldn't they?
Does anyone else get this for no reason?xx

27-03-08, 18:04
Also Angie when I cut back on salt in my diet it really helped with the whole water retention thing too.

Piglet :flowers:

27-03-08, 18:15
Hi Piglet, thanks for that. I don't think i have much salt really. I don't add it to anything, only chips of course but i don't have them all the time, lol. Oh and a packet of crisps maybe. I just don't know.xx

Granny Primark
27-03-08, 18:46
Hi angie,
My ankles swell like elephants feet during the summer and are bright red and burning.
One year they were particularly bad and even my knees were red and swollen.
I told my hubby i was going to get it checked out at the docs and all he said was "dont you dare with any lucky the swelling will work its way up to your boobs!"
I did get it checked and was given water tabs and had my blood pressure tabs changed.

Take care

27-03-08, 20:13
Thanks Lynn. I am not taking any medications at all and my bp is usually fine, infact it is normally on the low side. A fact that also worries me, lol.
Did you give him a whack about the wise crack, lol.xx

27-03-08, 21:59
Hi, I don't normally have problems with swollen ankles but when I went abroad last year to Tunisia they really swelled up and like yours left indents when I pressed them. I suffer from Health anxiety so went to see the Doctor and he took my BP which was very high. He wanted to admit me to hospital which send my ha into overdrive. He really worried me but I kept drinking lots of water and putting my feet up and after a few days my ankles went down.

When I arrived back in England I went to my own doctors and told him what had happened and he said this was not unusual especially with the heat and that my BP was high because I was probably panicking with being in a foreign country etc. He also said that the doctors out there obviously get health insurance money for every patient admitted to hospital and there absolutely nothing wrong with me.

Please dont worry im sure your ankles will go down in a few days after resting them. I was told also that putting them in cold water helps bring down the swelling to.

I hope this helps and your feel better in a few days.


28-03-08, 14:15
Hi angie.

This could be related to hormone imbalance. I'm not sure how old you are. My ankles started swelling a bit from the age of 40. Being overweight doesn't help. When I took a certain group of bp tabs they became swollen so quickly I thought they were going to burst. In other posts didn't you say you were a nurse that dealt with taking bp. My mums ankles were really swollen like an elephants for years but that was due to bp tabs. My hands swell with arthiritis too. I think that there are loads of reasons for swelling and I don't think any are very serious but it would be worth having a few things checked out to put your mind at rest. Sometimes just being on your feet for a long time especially if you are standing still for much of it can be the reason.

Hope you are back to normal soon.

30-03-08, 14:45
I live in Scotland,and every year I used to go and visit my sisters who live in Cambridgeshire. The weather was always really hot and humid,with not even a breath of wind,even at night. So it was obviously not the climate I was used to. My ankles swelled up like mad,and I even had to go and buy a pair of horrible flat sandals in a bigger size as none of my shoes fitted.She arranged an appt with her doctor,as I was thinking the worst. Kidneys etc,and he told me to drink plenty of fluids,preferably water. I thought this would have made the swelling worse,but after buying a few large bottles of water,and making myself drink glasses and glasses of it,the swelling did go down.
By the way,as soon as I stepped off the train at Glasgow Central and got home,the swelling went completely.
I put it down to a combination of heat and walking for miles round all the shops and sights of Cambridge and the lovely surroundings .
Hope that helps,

02-07-08, 13:17
Hi. Just joined this forum as I stumbled upon it whilst trying to find a remedy for my swollen legs/ankles.
I've searched around a lot for information, and apparently in a lot of cases there's just no explanation as to why our ankles and legs swell. However, a lot of it has to do with diet, and the toxins we put into our bodies (ie. alcohol) and I find that if I've been out drinking my feet swell more than they do ordinarily. I'm also overweight by about five stone and I can honestly say that it has played havoc with my legs, as I have a standing job. Regular excersise helps as it stimulates the lymphatic system (evidently) and we shouldn't cut down on drinking water as this will make the situation worse by all accounts.:)