View Full Version : Please help

27-03-08, 07:54
Im getting anxious thought pertaining to my health. Im getting palpitations often- my PR is sometimes 95,99,103. Yesterday I had an interview and I was getting palpitations. How can i deal with it. Please help me.

27-03-08, 08:34
Hi Janvi,

Welcome to NMP hun :)

The first thing to remember, is that these heart palpatations are down to anxiety - there is nothing wrong with your heart.

I have found the best thing for me when I get heart palpatations is to look on my breathing. Concentrate on taking deep breaths in and out - this deep breathing will not only calm you down but the mere act of concentrating on it will help distract you from the palpatations :hugs:

<------- Have a look on the symptoms pages in the menu on the left, as these may also help you :)

Jo xxxxx

27-03-08, 12:45
Hello Janvi And Welcome........i Wish Ya Well..........linda