View Full Version : The Apprentice

27-03-08, 09:32
Hi all,

Did anyone watch this last night - compulsory viewing indeed!!

Its amazing to see these "confident" people who are so sure of themselves at the beginning, but once they are given a task they fall apart.

One thing I do notice about most, if not all, of them is that they are very stubborn. Their confidence hardly seems to be knocked, even when things go wrong. Although this could be pure pig-headedness and they just don't want to admit they're wrong!:shades:

I had to roll my eyes when one of the guys (who was actually the one who got fired in the end) was saying how he was such a high achiever, and that he had got a B in one of his GCSEs and he considered this a fail as he'd got A Grades in the rest of them lol :ohmy:

What a swot!!! :roflmao:

Still, I am looking forward to the next few weeks to see who else will be knocked off of their pedastal lol

Alan Sugar is a legend :D

Jo xxxxx

27-03-08, 09:36
Never watched it before but was glued last night - think I'm hooked for the series. The guy who was fired was interviewed on BBC breakfast news this morning and sounded to be glad to be out.

27-03-08, 09:41
I watched it too.
It makes me think how i have totally wasted my life (the last 10 years!) and have achieved nothing. Some of those people onn the show are younger than me who have done MORE in their lives than i will ever do.

On a lighter note, those "Men" were such little backstabbers, blaming each other for the cock-ups, i had to laugh. The women, how do you get so confident that you believe you are the best saleswomen in Europe???

27-03-08, 09:44
The programme reaffirms my decision not to pursue a career at that level and makes me feel quite smug when watching it insofar as I know I could never ever be such an obnoxious human being. What a bunch of toss pots. I would rather be the person I am (anx and all) than behave like they do. I wonder if when they reach middle age they'll look back and realise how badly they've behaved!

I think the barrister that got fired has probably ruined his advocacy career - any potential employer that watched him should run a mile!

Compulsive viewing though!

27-03-08, 10:06
I'm glad that bloke went, I didn't like his attitude at all :ohmy:

Phwoooarrrr at Alex though!


27-03-08, 10:16
Lol Kate, trust you to be on totty watch love!!

I did find that Raef guy quite "becoming" as it were lol.

Bluebell - dont be so hard on yourself hun. I bet you that most of the people on there have got to where they are through, lying, cheating and screwing other people for whatever they can get. Maybe some people are ok with behaving like that, but I am not.

And yes, of COURSE that woman is the best saleswoman in Europe - why on earth would you argue with that hun?? lol

I agree with ksmith - I'm glad I'm not in such a high powered position - that's not what I aspire to. I'd rather be where I am now, getting by on what I earn, than turn into someone who is as "up" themselves as they are.

That's why its so satisfying to watch them all squirm in front of Sir Alan ha ha ha!

Jo xxxxx

27-03-08, 12:35
I think this is what happens when you get to 45, must be hormones, Jo :blush:


27-03-08, 20:35
I'm sure that if we put them under the microscope we would find that most of them have acheived very little but do talk a good talk. If they were that successful they probably wouldn't be interested in the job.Certainly last night we saw little evidence of any commercial acumen which one would have expected from so many high flyers.I remember a previous series when a self described Internet Entrepreneur was exposed as someone who was selling afew bits and pieces and whose offices were his bedroom!!! I do admire their self confidence though-could certainly use some of that
:huh: :huh: :huh: