View Full Version : Teeth.

27-03-08, 11:35

I'm a newbie. This is my first post. I'm not sure if this thread belongs in here or in the phobia's section? I'll let you decide.

Basically, I have this issue with worrying constantly about the state of my teeth. I have a straight toothed smile but inside at the back I have some decay going on and I know that I need to see a dentist. I think about it everyday at least 2 or 3 times and my thoughts are obsessive about what could happen if I don't go to the dentist.

The extension to the problem is that I have a MASSIVE fear of dentists. Haven't seen one for almost 12 years now.

So, does anyone have any helpful suggestions?

27-03-08, 13:33
Find a specialsit dentist, who specialises in nervous patients. Dneplan have a search facility. Or phone all the ones in your local area and ask what help they give to nervous patients. Dentists have improved in service tremendously in the last 12 years. the only way to get it sorted is to go the dentist. My new dentist is a real hottie, too, which is always an incentive to visit! When I last went, he showed me where my jaw bone was receding due to smoking - I quit quite soon after that!

You'll be fine - honestly!!

27-03-08, 13:33
is there a reason for your phobia - past experience or have you just built it up in your head?

27-03-08, 14:03
hiya waitress :welcome: to nmp. i am scared of the dentist and never used to go unless i was in terrible pain. ive got better about this as the years have gone on although i still get scared. let me reasure you hun that the tec of dentists has moved on so much in 12 years and most are very good at dealing with nervous ppl. they can now actualy give you a mild sedative to relax you befor any treatment is done. get urself a dentist and tell them how scared you are . they will not think you are stupid or silly hun they are used to dealing with ppl like us nowdays. i wish you the best of luck hun. take care :hugs: :hugs: .


27-03-08, 20:12
I hate dentists too, ever since mine tried to take two of my child teeth out to make room for my big teeth.
He just tried to pull them out while I was sat there screaming in pain. I went to that dentist two weeks ago for the first time in 6 years and i'm glad to say i only needed to have one filling. I'm waiting to have that done and i'll be getting put to sleep for that as i panic and can't breath when he does them.

28-03-08, 09:13
Thank you all for your encouragement.
As I'm sure you'll understand, its not that easy for me to just say "ok, you guys are right, I'll go to the dentist" !!
When 50% of the fear comes from worrying about the state of your teeth and the other 50% comes from a fear of dentists - its a catch 22 situation. Over a decade of fear isn't gonna disappear in an instant.
But kind words kind of help. So thanks again.
Peace x

28-03-08, 09:16
is there a reason for your phobia - past experience or have you just built it up in your head?

The dentist I last saw (as a child) got two nurses to hold me down in the chair while he administered sleeping gas. I have nightmares of that black rubber face mask being placed over my nose and mouth. I think this has something to do with my phobia?

Also, my mum used to be really frightened of dentists and I remember her crying while we were in the waiting room everytime whether it was her going to see the dentist or one of us (my brother or me) !!

28-03-08, 10:39
Do you know, my brother had the exact smae things happen to him with the gas mask, and also has a phobia of dentsits like you, and his teeth are in an awful state now. I really would advise going to see a dentist,having phoned first to ask about nervous patients. They WON'T do anything unless you want them to, and honestly, they are sooo much more patient friendly than they used to be. We are not suggesting you just 'popalong and have all the work done', but I do think going to visit a dentist to discuss the issue would help a lot in dispelling your old fears. You are not a child any more and you won't be forced into anything!

28-03-08, 10:41
ps I once talked to my dentist about my borther, and explained his apst experiences and phobia. He was extremely understanding and said my brother should go and see him to talk things through, and about the different options available - you can get valium to take beforehand for example. Is there anyone who could go with you (maybe not your Mum!).

29-03-08, 15:51
I'm relieved to hear I'm not the only one who had the dreaded gas mask experience! My brother is also as scared of dentists as I am. He won't visit the dentist either. I know I have to go but its something that I just keep putting off and obviously over time my teeth get worse and worse. If I get tooth ache I lie to the doctor that I have ear ache so they will give me really strong pain killers. I can't even tell people close to me that really its my teeth that hurt otherwise they will end up finding out I don't go to the dentist. I have become a master at hiding my phobias.

I also have issues with taking medication. The thought of taing a valium before hand is even more frightening that going to see a dentist straight !!
I don't take any kind of medicines and I don't drink alcohol. I seem to have extremely hightened senses and any kind of drugs in minute quantities affect me in a big way. I hate feeling out of control.

Anyway, I feel guilty for going on about myself for two paragraphs, so I'll be going. Sorry for being a big whinger !!