View Full Version : thank you

22-03-05, 15:38
Hello everyone

Well i have to admit that when i logged on for the first time i didn't know to expect but with reading the replies to my "Introducing Myself" message i feel really good about the site now,

I had a wake up call the other day, i was rushed into hospital and as i led there on the hospital bed while th Dr was stitching up my wrist it hit me like a bolt of lightning i didn't want to die, It made me think that if my best mate didn't come round my place then i would be dead [xx(]
She is now moving in to my place with me as she said that she doesn't want me to be on my own.

When they discharged me i went and signed up with "Take Aim" it's a mentoring service and i met up with this woman the yesturday and we talked about all the problems that i have. I have to admit i feel really good about myself for taking this step. She wants me to keep a thought journal to see if we can tackle it that way.

I will keep you posted of my progress.

22-03-05, 16:18
Hi Kitty

Well done for seeing the light, I hope the mentoring and thought journal help, stick with it.

best wishes

22-03-05, 16:39
hi glad you feel better, hope we can continue to be of some help to you, being where you have you can probably be a great help to some others on here yourself

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

22-03-05, 17:33
Hi Kitty

Glad you are feeling a little better. It is kind of your friend to come and stay with you so you are not alone at this time.

Hope the mentoring scheme is helpful to you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-03-05, 17:41
hi Kitty,

I'm very happy for you!! It sounds like you are ready to change your life around and it is great that you will have your mate with you to help you through difficult times.

Sarah :D

22-03-05, 18:40
Well done Kitty, you should feel good about yourself for signing up with 'Take Aim, good luck with that and what a good mate you have, take care xxx

22-03-05, 18:58
Hi Kitty

Well done and i am pleased that you have realised how much you want to go on.

You look after yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-03-05, 19:34

This is a really positive step forward & I'm so pleased for you.
You've realised that life is worth living, even through the dark times, & have taken a major step in the right direction.

It's good to hear that your friend will be with you through this, that support can make so much difference.

Well done!

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

22-03-05, 19:37
Hi Kitty,

Good to hear you are feeling a little better.
Be proud of yourself Kitty for taking this step, WELL DONE.


May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door.

22-03-05, 19:40

Great news that you are ok now and realised that you do want to live and are getting some help with it all too.

Good luck and keep us updated with the progress ok?


23-03-05, 22:30
Hi Kitty

Hope you are doing okay today and realise that plenty of people here will support you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-03-05, 11:36
Hi Kitty,

Good for you honey...well done keep it going. Looking forward to looking at your updates.

with good wishes
