View Full Version : Thanks everyone and Daisy

27-03-08, 19:14
:D I had to write thanking all of you who answered my post last night. Typing my post I was crying and feeling very down. I took all of your tips on board and then found a post called 'Daisy goes driving' reading it gave me a laugh and I couldn't help thinking what a brave lady she was driving with her daughter in the car on her own.

This morning my hubby was going to drive to our daughters to connect her computer to the internet, I was going to stay at home as I haven't been able to make the journey by car yet. Instead I said to him 'why not phone her and ask her if she wants to take the two boys with us to the play zone in Radlett'. She agreed to this and drove down to us after lunch. Our grandsons were really excited about going out for the afternoon with BOTH of us. I was very anxious getting in the car to make the short journey, and kept wondering why I had come up with this crazy idear in the first place!!
I took my MP3 player to listen to some music, magic bottle of water, had a few drops of rescue remedy and we set off. I tried to concentrate on a mag I had bought from the shop and kept telling myself 'if daisy could do it, so could I'. It only took us 15mins to get there and I managed to hang on WITHOUT grabbing the handle to get out.

When we parked up I had to walk down the high street to the play zone. I was walking holding on to my eldest grandson on one side and gripping hubby for grim death the other side. As I looked down the high street the usual thoughts went through my head 'It is too long, I can't make it, ...RUN...get back to the car' I managed to keep walking stopping every so often to get my breathing under control knowing I couldn't run screaming like a mad woman with my grandsons looking on. The path narrowed at one point and I had to stop and cover my ears while a bus and lorry went by. Again I resisted the urge to run back to the car. We arrived at the play zone and I was feeling sick and dizzy and felt as though I was going to collapse. We sat at a table by the door and even though I wasn't what you would call comfortable sitting there I manged to stay for 2 HOURS. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
It was GREAT seeing both my grandsons having so much fun. The last time I went to a play zone with them was nearly 4 years ago. Walking back to the car I held it together and stopped a couple of times. I made the journey back by car again WITHOUT grabbing the door handle or screaming to let me out of the car:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I feel elated and exhausted, but OH WHAT A DAY....I FEEL SOOOO PROUD OF MYSELF:yesyes: :yahoo: :yesyes: :yahoo:

Just had to share with you all.


'your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

27-03-08, 19:19
Nice one :)
This should be in the success stories section..

27-03-08, 20:30
Aww Diane

Im so pleased to hear about your successful day with the grandchildren, you should be so proud of yourself:yesyes: . You also proved to yourself that the panic wont hurt you. WELL DONE for not giving into the panic, i know its so easy just to walk away and return to your comfort zone but you didnt !!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: Im sure today will have given you lots more confidence hun im really proud of you!:hugs:


27-03-08, 20:36
I am so impressed. That was a huge achievement and as I read your post I walked every step with you as I too have made myself do things lately that seemed impossible just a short time ago. Well done that was fantastic.

Hope 2
28-03-08, 00:02
Hey Diane :D

I am so pleased at how much you have achieved . HUGE pat on the back for you .
I think you are so tremendously brave to do what you did today , despite how traumatic it was , you hung in there . I bet other folk will be inspired by your experience so nice one for sharing .

Be Proud
Well Done hun
Love Hope xx