View Full Version : Pins&Needles & Shortness of breath :(

27-03-08, 19:40
I've been having shortness of breath/ chest tightness for a couple of weeks now, I think it may be asthma. However today, on the bus, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath and I felt really lightheaded and I had pins and needles in my arms and face. My mom said it could be blood clots :( Does it sound like that, asthma or just panic?! I have a docs appointment on Tuesday but now I'm terrified and just feel like crying :(

27-03-08, 20:08
Please someone, I'm terrified :(

27-03-08, 20:10
Do you think that you are hyperventalating? This can make you feel like you can't breathe and also give you pins and needles. Could you be panicking and this could be causing it, the vicious circle?x

27-03-08, 20:16
It could be, the doctor told me that last time that it was just worry. I think the chest tightness could actually be asthma [I fit a lot of the symptoms, like cold air makes it worse etc.] but I think the feeling of not being able to breathe is causing me to panic, making it worse, making me panic even more!

27-03-08, 20:16
Have you had your blood checked, these sound like b12 deficiency symptoms.

27-03-08, 20:22
I haven't nope, terrified of blood tests :|

27-03-08, 20:23
Hmm I looked up the symptoms, don't have any of them really.

27-03-08, 20:50
These are the symptoms for my b12 deficiency, thought you said you were having pins and needles and dizziness.

What are the symptoms of this type of anaemia?

If a person is otherwise healthy, it can take some time for the signs of anaemia to appear.

The first symptoms will be tiredness and palpitations (awareness of heartbeat).

Shortness of breath and dizziness (fainting) are also common.

If the anaemia is severe, it can result in angina (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/angina.htm) (chest pain), headache (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/headache.htm) and leg pains (intermittent claudication).

Red, sore tongue and mouth.

Weight loss.

Diarrhoea (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/childrenshealth/diarrhoea.htm).

Some people with vitamin B12 deficiency will experience symptoms in their nervous system first, such as:

altered or reduced sense of touch

less sensitivity to vibration (inability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork)

colour blindness

tingling in the hands and feet

muscle weakness

difficulties with walking and coordination

psychological symptoms such as memory loss, confusion and depression.

27-03-08, 20:54
But all I've had is shortness of breath and pins and needles, none of the others. Especially as tiredness is one of the main signs of anaemia. I'm beginning to think it was a panic attack in response to my already tight chest. Thanks for the help though.

27-03-08, 21:00
I'm sure it probably was, i know when i get the slightest thing wrong with me i think about it more and it gets worse.
I had about 5 of the symptoms from the list i posted, pins and needles, headaches, tiredness, dizziness and sore tongue.

tayside lassie
27-03-08, 21:07
hiya charlotte..Ive suffered from anxiety/panic ..still do have anxiety ...the symptom "tingling " my doctor told me its because when we are anxious or panic we dont breath properly and the tingling is lack of oxygen it can be in your hands..feet..face.. lips ...its nothing to worry about ...does the tingling go when your calm ?....and i dont think tingling in your arms and face would be blood clots ...im sure your ok ...take care


27-03-08, 21:28
It was just for like 10 minutes or so, and it happened for a minute or so a few hours later. I think it was blood clots I'd be dead right now yes? Being as this happened at 11am this morning.

Oh and yes once I'd got to my boyfriends and lay down and breathed for a while, it went away completely.

27-03-08, 23:28
My chest is starting to feel really tight again and I feel all wheezy :( This sucks.

27-03-08, 23:46
You need to see doc about asthma

It is not blood clots!!!

27-03-08, 23:48
I wish my mom hadn't told me that, it made me cry and get even more tight chested. :(

I have an appointment with him on Tuesday in the evening, that's the only time I can go cause of work, so I have 5 more days of suffering before I can be checked out. :(

27-03-08, 23:53
If you tell them u are short of breathe and think it is asthma they will get you in earlier trust me!

27-03-08, 23:57
I'll have to phone up tomorrow and see what they can do for me, their receptionist was horrible to me when I tried to book my appointment ¬.¬

I don't think I can take 5 more days of it :(

28-03-08, 19:08
My mom phoned up, they still cant get me in over the weekend, she even said it's an emergency appointment. It feels all congested behind my breastbone today, when I breathe in deep :( Really scared me earlier, I broke down in tears. :( I feel slightly better now, lots of deep breathing has calmed me down. My mom said as my breathing sounds normal and I haven't passed out/gone blue then I must be geting sufficient oxygen so I must try not to worry. She also wants me to mention asthma to my doc because if it is that and I can get something to allieviate that then my panic attacks will stop :(