View Full Version : My list of problems/issues/ocds... your opinions please.

27-03-08, 19:56
I know you may be getting impatient with me but I want to fix my life, I'm over analytical but this is not my fault you see. Remember I am also autistic so it's like banging your head against a brick wall when you're talking to me. Regarding what I could be suffering from, alcoholism, brain damage, depression, anxiety *I don't know if it's anxiety*, ocd... my horrific medication withdrawal from January and the horrible 2 weeks of March which I am pleased to say I am back on 75mg of Lamictal which will be increased this Monday. Either way I'm going to list a few things that I've been experiencing lately and I'm not asking for medical help I'm just curious on what you think I might be suffering from... and I'll fix some loose ends if I mess up like say something that I didn't explain correctly.

1. My memory, my memory hasn't always been the greatest but it's been pretty weak lately. Now here's where I tie a loose end, could this be a symptom of boozing for the past couple years and even though I went off it for 24 days in December, and 27 days in February, I could still be suffering from it? Example after I write this whole thing I will maybe only remember like 5% of it or less.

2. My insane OCD as of late, it's been worse than ever... every time I see a dog hair in my house I begin to get uncomfortable, then my mind begins to wander... this is where I begin to wonder about myself, my life, how I cannot do things, how I am afraid of the phone *social phobia I assume*... before booze I was afraid of the phone but I had more ambition for things. I over analyze things ... I feel I don't understand certain grammar terms at times and have to sometimes hear it again... the OCD has been making me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Even a FUNNY SHOW like Ren and Stimpy makes me scared that I'm losing my intelligence because I don't understand every word of it or sometimes a certain word of it.

3. Loss of passions/interests in the past few years. This alllll began from November 2005 as I've mentioned in my prior posts. Ever since my first alcohol withdrawal in November, *which I had been binging just getting used to the booze as a teenager type* that is where I developed my panic disorder, my anxiety, palpitations, chest pains, part of my OCD even though I had OCD before but it didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as it does now. I drowned my anxiety with booze and ever since then... from 2005, 2006 and most of 2007 I binged to get away from life, *smoked 4 cigs a night* watched movies to have more enjoyment with them, and to be more cheerful, so you see I became addicted to booze. I could be able to drink like 3 liters of boxed wine a night, but that was when I was a bad drunk not willing to stop, now I am. A prime example of my passion loss is my website, I have not put any sweat/work into it ever since I begun drinking and it's been 2 years and a half!

4. Overwhelment of little things, this is one of my hardest things... this is also involved with the OCD... whenever someone talks to me about things I don't know, I get overwhelmed quickly, I get scared/sad and I panic immediately.

Well I'll leave it at that so far, as you see... over analytical about the situation but this is my life and I have to make the right choices. I just wanted to see your opinions about if you think there is something wrong with me that maybe alcoholism isn't doing to me.

27-03-08, 20:32
Hi Paulos.

You certainly have loads to deal with and I really don't feel confident to give an opinion as to what causes the panic and other symptoms. I think you obviously know that heavy drinking isn't helping any of your other symptoms and I can only guess that with the drugs the effects may be worse for you. I didn't know you were autistic too. I don't know very much about this condition other than the small amounts you see and hear about in the media but I think there are various degrees of it. Some of the things you have like the OCD and feelings of overwhelment and anxiety are surely part of the autism. Are the drugs you take to help with this.

I really don't know what else to say other than the feeling of over analysing is something many of us do. We want answers and reasons for our feelings and behaviour. I think we hope that if we can understand what and why things are happening then we may be able to change patterns or learn different ways of coping and changing our lives. You certainly are trying very hard and I hope that this site and the people on here are useful to you. Take care.

28-03-08, 18:16
Thanks Sheba... anyone else?...

28-03-08, 19:11
It's hard to say Paulos what is the "one" thing wrong because you seem to have multiple issues to deal with. Also can't label it or pigeon hole it. Like say "oh he's an alcoholic" full stop. I don't "think" that the alcohol abuse has created all these problems, like the memory loss for example but it probably hasn't helped. However u say that you've been off the booze for over 2 years now so that is a major achievement in itself, don't u think?
The autism has obviously been a massive block and made life so difficult making you turn away from reality and lose yourself in drink or drugs.
Would like to know who is helping you? is there anyone?
and if not why not ?
Richie x x x

29-03-08, 16:07
How are you Paulos? sorry there doesn't seem many replies but this forum moves very quickly from one topic to another.
Hope you can get the answers you are searching for ?
Richie xxxxxxx

29-03-08, 16:27
:hugs: hi paulos, although i dont suffer with autism - which in itself i would assume was quite frustrating? your symptoms of anxiety/panic/depression dont sound unusual, and infact i have felt EVERYTHING you listed and some more! but i have not used alcohol greatly to mask my anxiety, although i also can use it sometimes, but i have never bevcome dependant on it - im more likely to become dependant on other people than i am on drink or meds.

also anxiety disorders can get worse over the years - mine has and lots on here have too - so you could really do with getting soem talking therapy to help you to deal with it better - well i think you are dealing with it great, but i can tell you dont? so although you have autism and have a drinkl problem - by the way i have read that it is very common for men in particular to use alcohol as self-medication - your anxiety is no different to anybody elses on nmp - i hope this helps to comfort you? you can recover from this but it takes time, which you have to give yourself, take care paulos emma:flowers:

02-04-08, 19:27
Thanks Emmas... also Richie the fact is I've been ON alcohol for 2.9 years
, not been OFF it... maybe I posted something wrong in the msg or you misunderstood... either way I'm gonna be back on my original Lamictal 125mg because the withdrawal was pure hell.

03-04-08, 14:39
:) hey paulos - i asked you in another thread, why you take lamictal? am intersested as it is the anti-convulsant my husband takes:winks: