View Full Version : Another Newbie!

22-03-05, 17:33
My Name Is Abby, I Am Zena's Daughter! Im 14 Years old I Will Be 15 Soon In July(7th).:)

I Suffer From Claustrophobia, And Just A Little While Ago I Found Out I Have Been Having Anxiety Attacks, These Happen Whilst Im In Lessons.[V]

My Mum Suggested That I Look This Site Up, And Take Note Of All That Is Being Said.

Any Help From You Lot, Will Be Gratefully Recieved As My Mum Can Only Do So Much, And As You Know Daughters Dont Listen To There Mums' Much

Luv Abby xxx

22-03-05, 17:45
hello Abby,

Welcome to the site!! :)

I'm glad you found us. There is quite a bit of good info here and I'm sure you will find it useful.

Let us know if you have any questions, ok?

Sarah :D

22-03-05, 17:47
Hey Abby,

Welcome to the site, I'm sure you will find loads of advice and support here, I know I have!

Take care

tracy x x

22-03-05, 18:03
hi abby welcome to the site im sure you will find lots of help and good advice on here..........and you dont always have to take it lol

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

22-03-05, 18:30
Hi Abby and welcome, you will find lots of good advice here, take care and do keep in touch xxx

22-03-05, 19:04
Hi Abby

Welcome to the site hon. You will get lots of help and by reading some of the posts you will see you can do this.

There are quite a few younger members joining and you can all support each other.

Keep in touch.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-03-05, 19:08
Hi Abby

Welcome to the site,

So sorry to hear you have been having anxiety attacks.
I to have a daughter who sufferd PA anxiaty, she is 11
and doing very well.
With alot of hard work support and time you to CAN learn
how to make yourself feel better. You have come to the right
place, there are lots of nice people her who will help and support


22-03-05, 19:18

Welcome to the site. Sorry you have been having anxiety attacks. You'll find lots of help & advice here, & there are other members who are a similar age to you who will understand what you are feeling.

Take care, Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

22-03-05, 19:45
Hi Abby

Sorry to hear that you are suffering. It is bad enough when you are older but must be hard when you are so young and have all your life ahead of you and should be out enjoying it.

I hope we can be of some help.

Have you read much on the website atall? (www.nomorepanic.co.uk)


22-03-05, 22:58
hi abbey
welcome to the site great bunch you will get alot of support here

take care be good to yourself


26-03-05, 22:58
When I Get Some Of My Panic's I Sometimes Dont Tell My Mum Is That A Bad Thing?

I Don't Want My Mum Worrying About Me All The Time She Has Enough Things On Her Mind Without Me Being An Extra One!

I Havent Had A Panic In 2 Days Thats Really Good For Me!

Luv Abby xxx

26-03-05, 23:13
Well done Abby

Pleased to hear it, regardless of what your mum has been through she would be more upset knowing you couldnt tell her how you are feeling, trust me. You can help each other.

Hope you carry on having some good days.

Take care hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-03-05, 03:02
Hiya Abby,
Welcome to the site:D

Take care

27-03-05, 13:52
Thank You, Ill Show My Mum, HAPPY EASTER everyone!
I Have A Really Bad Cold And Cough And I Was Panicing This Morning But It Wasn't to bad!

Thank You For All Your Support, If Theres Anything I Can Do To Help Any Of You I Will Try My Best!

Luv Abby xxx

27-03-05, 18:53

I am sure you mum would want you to lean on her and tell her when you are feeling bad. Perhaps she could do with a cuddle too at times.

Sorry to hear about the cold - they are a real pain aren't they!!

Hope you feel better soon.


27-03-05, 23:17
Hi Abby

Hope you have had a good easter although you are not feeling too good. Your mum loves you and you need to remember that and how ever you feel she will be there for you. Talk to her and let her help, you can see by her on this site how devoted she is to you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

28-03-05, 14:01
Thank You, I Woke Up Alright Today And I Did Give My Mum A BIG hug As Well!
The Thing Is I Dont Wanna Have My Mum Always Worrying Because She Has Enough On Her Plate!

These Colds Are A Bleeding pain In The Bum lol
I Dont Read My Mum's One Unless She Wants Me Too, And Its The Same With Me, I Dont Want Her Reading It Untill I Get Replys Lol.

Hopefully My Panic Attacks Will Get Better, The Thing Is, Its Worse At School. And That Tiddles Me Off! Because I Would Like To Learn I Try To Put My Mind On A Different Thing But That Doesn't Work Yet!

Luv Abby xxx

28-03-05, 16:11
hi abby speak with jade scooter girl she has done lots of posts about having them at school and how she copes

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

28-03-05, 21:32
Hi Abby

Pleased you got up and felt okay and gave your mum the hug she deserved.

Like Fan says read Jades post it will help you. You are doing well, talking and it will get better hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

06-04-05, 16:43
Erm....... Sorry i havent posted in quite a while but i have been doing my Maths and Welsh Coursework.
Things have been going alright but when i get back to school hopefully it wont play up alot! Well Me And Mum Are Happy and giving each other lots of hugs so the family bit is all good!

Luv Abby xxx

06-04-05, 17:45
Hiya Abby

Good to hear from you again so thanks for the update.

Hope things continue to go ok for you.


15-04-05, 15:38
well ive been at skool for 1 week now and i havent had any panics but i did when i was at the bridge over the road! i dont like hights and i dont like going over them on my own so i think thats how i got that one!

It's Getting Better, I Have My Exams Next Week, So That Will Be Interesting.
Hope All Of You Are Doing Fine.
Best Wishes xxx

Luv Abby xxx

15-04-05, 15:44
Good to see you doing better Abby

Hope the exams go well.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

15-04-05, 15:45
Im new as well...just joined this pm...
I suffer from Panic Disorder and Im finding this site very useful, Im 25...
I wish I wud just wake up and Id be all better...
Guess its goin to take a while
Lov Hils

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
My Name Is Abby, I Am Zena's Daughter! Im 14 Years old I Will Be 15 Soon In July(7th).:)

I Suffer From Claustrophobia, And Just A Little While Ago I Found Out I Have Been Having Anxiety Attacks, These Happen Whilst Im In Lessons.[V]

My Mum Suggested That I Look This Site Up, And Take Note Of All That Is Being Said.

Any Help From You Lot, Will Be Gratefully Recieved As My Mum Can Only Do So Much, And As You Know Daughters Dont Listen To There Mums' Much

Luv Abby xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Abby05 - 22 March 2005 : 17:33:43</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

20-04-05, 18:16
Thanks My exams are over! my panics are going away YES! lol. sorry i cant help it! Hopefully my claustrophobia will go away soon as well. xx

Luv Abby xxx

21-04-05, 00:00
Pleased things are going well for you Abby, hope it carries on like this.

You take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-04-05, 23:11
Glad things are going well for you Abby.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-04-05, 14:16
Glad to hear you're moving in the right direction Abby .

Well done . Hope the results are good .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-04-05, 16:00
HI Abby

Great to read your post and see how much things have improved for you, well done, I used to be very claustrophobic, but it has improved with the years, i just push myself a little all the time, i can even go in lifts now (well certain ones) LOL,

It was nice to read that your happy big hug xxx

kairen x

22-04-05, 18:13
Great news Abby.

I hope things continue to improve too.


22-04-05, 20:01
awwww all of you are soo nice! well i hope all your panics and everything goes well. i cant go in lifts cos there too small and i really dont like them. well some of my results are bad but i can easily get them to an a* which will be good! i will post again soon xxxx

Luv Abby xxx