View Full Version : Really feeling it

28-03-08, 10:26
Im really feeling it now its doing my head in.
Im gong doctors at 12 gonna have to go on some anti d's to get me through this.

I can get the cancer out of my head I have had aches in my really lower back radiating into both my butt cheeks for nearly a week Its not there all the time but kinda comes and goes f I have a nce long soak it goes awy but last night it was terrible:weep: .

I am a google addict and need to stop why does every symptom you put in google come up with the dreaded C:scared15: .

28-03-08, 11:14
Kate you gotta stop googling it doesn't help and it can make you imagine you got all sorts of things. I used to google all the time so I now how adictive it can become but I don't do it anymore coz it wasn't helping me at all.

Your pains sound like muscle aches have you been using those muscles more lately. Hope you get ok at the doctors.

Take care


28-03-08, 11:28
Its like an addiction googling, but its so not good for you.

I tell you why - you will always pick out the worse, and you will search for the worse case scenario.
I have done this many many a time.

I am proud to say I have not googled for 3 weeks!! And I do feel better.

OK i am still anxious and I still think about what I had googled. But I am not feeding it.

I stop myself, and I am battling to make myself think rationally. Coming on here and the chat room really helps.


28-03-08, 11:28
seriously most symptoms come up with Cancer if you google, just try not to. I used to have wierd sensations in my head for months and was convinced it was Cancer, when I stopped worrying about it the strange sensations went away, but you going to the docs so hopefully that will put your mind at ease

28-03-08, 14:12
Ok so went to the docs and must say she was great:)
Explained about my pains and how it started a week before my period and she says that being as I already have fibroids its a good chance its that when they scanned me 18 months ago the fibroids were the size of a clemantine by now they are prob the size of a big orange they are located at the back of my uterus and that inside with pelvic congestion I get with my menstral cycle its most likely that. doubling with my HA.

She has put me on ciprilax 10mg aday.

Anyone else take this? I took it a few years ago and got on fine but cant remember how long it takes to work.

Thanks for all your thoughts and I promise no more googling

30-03-08, 18:06
I need to learn to stop googling things myself because all I do is weird myself out and convince myself that more is wrong than there is.. honestly I think goggle is the best/worse thing EVER invented it can help you find so many things especially if you like researching.. but when you have health anxiety I think we should have a blocker :) you know like they do for kids.. you install it.. it asks you "Are you currently being treated for" with Anxiety as an option that you can click and it blocks ALL medical sites except for basic first aid :)


30-03-08, 19:52
I agree I am driving myself crazy at the moment and mostly through googling...I have the something stuck under adams apple throat thing "( obviously as per google its cancer) ENT man says not but due to my anxiety Im putting myself thru a GENERAL ANAESTHETIC this wednesday to have a camera down cos I am driving myself & everyone else insane with worry...and NOW I am scared I will die during the anaesthetic....aaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh............. :ohmy: