View Full Version : Sigh....Back once again.

28-03-08, 10:32
hello all,

ive been a member here for quite some time, i know i have few posts, and i will make an attempt to help more people, so please bare with me...:weep:

So i would absolutely LOVE input if anyone has had this symptom before...

Whenever i wake very quickly, for a brief period of time (30 seconds- 2mins) everything is LITERALLY going in fast motion. (pardon my spelling but im feeling very very anxious right now) Almost as if things need to catch up in real time or something.

It has only happened twice, but as we all know, it only needs to happen once for there to be a "problem":doh:

ive had a minor drug problem when i was 17 with LSD,Ecstasy,Mushrooms, and cocaine. (in case things like that are important when dealing with this issue)

thank you in advance :)

28-03-08, 19:15
Hi Richard,

I've not experienced the symptom you describe myself but just wanted to :welcome: you back to NMP. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, especially as it's only happened twice. Have you tried taking more time to wake up?

Take care,

Mike :)

28-03-08, 19:45
Hi there Chard,
Don't worry if you can't always post on the forum, it all goes so quick anyway it's hard to keep up with. But just proves how popular it is.
Your symptoms sound unusual, but could be due to a drop in blood sugar levels. especially if you get out of bed quickly or raise your head up quick. I always have a cup of very sweet, strong tea first thing in morning. Or maybe your brain wakes up very quickly, too quickly, so you are in a semi concious state between sleep and waking.
Sorry probably none of these things x x x

08-04-08, 08:28
thank you for the kind words:blush:

you know how most of us panic people are, if it cant be explained, and is somewhat uncommon, it HAS to be something life threatening:whistles:

ive at least narrowed it down to two of the possible listed below:

a less common symptom of panic/anxiety disorder (GEE GO FIGURE HUH?:D )

or partial/front lobe seizure, which normally only occurs before a grand mal seizure (the kinds in which you black out) which hasnt happened yet. and to be honest now, ive experienced this symptom several times now.

if ANYONE has anymore imput on this symptom PLEASE post. it will help me be able to be more confident that its only anxiety and not something more serious.:doh:

08-04-08, 10:34
Hi Richard!

Welcome back to NMP.

JUst wanted to share with you something quite strange that is a little similar that I experience quite often....

Sometimes when I turn my head or body quickly it feels like my brain ( my conscious self) is lagging behind by a couple of seconds. It makes for a very peculiar feeling as if my body and brain are temporarily out of sync, almost as if my brain needs that couple of seconds to catch up.

I just put it down to my anxiety which can make us experience the oddest of things.

It sounds as if you might be thinking you have epilepsy? As a support worker, I work with lots of clients who do have epilepsy and I've not met one yet who is consciously aware of actually having a seizure. Indeed one of the classic signs of someone going into a seizure is when they become non responsive. Hope this puts your mind at rest on that issue.

If you still feel really concerned maybe a quick trip to the doctor to explain whats happening might put your mind at ease.

Take care

Lynne x

09-04-08, 08:51
yes that does help. thank you! because i am very very aware of myself and the things around me when i experience these symptoms

09-04-08, 13:02
yes that does help. thank you! because i am very very aware of myself and the things around me when i experience these symptoms
any other input?:unsure:

09-04-08, 14:08
i actually had this the other night, i woke suddenly and everything went crazy time but after a minute or so it calmed down. that was a few days ago and i am here still! if it keeps happening go to your gp and ask for advice


10-04-08, 08:08
ty :blush: