View Full Version : Dizzy and woozy

28-03-08, 11:05
I've not been on here for ages...but need to at the mo, as I'm really struggling with what I hope is just a panic/anxiety attack.

There's nothing in particular that I'm aware of that is stressing me out, so now I'm worrying I have a brain tumour (again) feel like the left side of my head is really heavy and I have pressure on my eye (ARGH, really makes me worry!) and I'm seriously dizzy and woozy! Tingly fingers and I just feel as if I want to shut my eyes and go to sleep...now I've just had a massive sharp pain at the back of my head. Sort of feel like my eyes are taking longer to read things, and a second ago whilst typing this a finger didn't move to a key, which stressed me out thinking I was about to stop 'working'...and then it got worse!

I havent eaten much in the last week, so Im hopeing thats all it is, but I'm still unconsciously convincing myself it's something more serious...

I've taken a head tablet but still feel weird...I think I'm just working myself up to a panic, but I just need help to calm it down...help! It's almost been a whole month without an attack and now I'm having a really bad one...just want it to gooooooo! 'ELP! x

30-03-08, 17:22
i feel dizzy 247 its reli gettin me down im onli young n i use 2 b outgoing use 2 b owt all the time stayin in was sooo borin 2 me it is ruinin my life i feel sooo poorly at the minute i do suffer wiv anxiety and pannick attacks it started when this lad i new died from a brain emerage n he was onli my age and it reli scard me how sum1 cud die soo young sum1 hu was sooo healthy aswel this was about a year and half ago and afta tht i had pannick attacks for 13 weeks straight i wasent sleepin or anything and i went 2 councillin and i got betta n my life seemd 2 b bk 2 normal it reli duz make ya feel like ya going 2 die everday its terrible then owt of nower i started havin it wer i kept feelin dizzy and heavy headed i went doctors bowt it n fort i had vertigo cuz i contantly felt like i wwas movin up and down and swayin like on a boat the pills worked abit bt then i went bac 2 feeling reli dizzy again and at the mo its worse than eva i am sooo dizzy n my hed is finkin ive got 1 fing afta anotha i started gettin pains in my chest n i was convinced i was gunna hav a heartattack and i hav haD TIGHT CHESETEDNESS and bin gettin wer i feel brerathless like im gunna stop breathing so then i went 2 tha hospital 2 get checked and everyfin was perfect my bloodpressure and breathing then i went bac 2 the doctors about a week ago 2 get checked for asthsma cuz ic still felt tight chested like i couldent breathe good sooo they gev me an ecg and checked me for asthma and tht was all fine bt im still dizzy its reli scaring me i seriously feel like im dying and its reli hard 2 fink positive wen i feel notin bt negative i cnt evan go owt wiv mates anymore all i feel like doin is stayin in i just feel like i wanna sleep all tha time cuz thts the onli time i feel unaxious bt im reli findin it hard 2 sleep im evan starting 2 fink im gna get skitz cuz i worry so much thts how bad i am wb any1 hu feels like me x

31-03-08, 03:06
I think I'm just working myself up to a panic, but I just need help to calm it down.

It's almost been a whole month without an attack and now I'm having a really bad one.

Something has triggered you to worry which in turn has made you panic and just like you say, you need to calm it down by "not thinking about your anxious symptoms" and then it'll be a another month At Least until you have another panic....if at all.:hugs: