View Full Version : really panicking and freaking out

28-03-08, 13:16
hi, i was looking on a film forum last night and somebody mentioned that the worlds going to end on dec 22nd 2012 and i'm really freaking out about it and having panic attacks about it. Why would somebody say it if it's not true? anybody else heard that?
Please reply
Love Louise

28-03-08, 13:31
Dont belive this nonsense. Its probably someone messin about. No one knows when and if the world will end. Dont worry about it.:) :)

28-03-08, 14:41
This has been predicted loads of times and we are still here, just some looser trying to scare people.Take no notice and relax.:hugs:

28-03-08, 16:52
Hey Lou, its just someone messing about hun.

You remember the so-called "millenium bug" which was going to bring down all the computers and electrical equipment? Well what happened to that? All that scare-mongering for nothing!

Dont you worry about it hun, chill out :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

28-03-08, 16:53
Awww Louise - I agree totally with what kaz and Lesley say. I think people have been predicting that the world is coming to an end for 1,000s of years and we're still here aren't we. Maybe try to find ways to relax yourself, eh?

Lots of love to you,

Wendy xxxx

28-03-08, 18:41
Please don't worry about this. I look at it this way. If you're religious then the end of the world is in the hand of your God and it is not for us mere mortals to know the mind of God.

If you believe in science and man only then I am unaware of any way of predicting such a catastrophic event either natural or man made so hopefully this will put your mind at rest.

29-03-08, 08:30
The only certain time the world will come to an end I have posted below.

All these people who say the world is about to end are stupid. Even the global warming scientists say the world is NOT coming to and end.

Ignore it.

When will the sun die?

The sun is about 4.5 billion years old and it is estimated to still possess a 5-billion year supply of hydrogen (hydrogen is the fuel that drives nuclear fusion on the sun). Therefore, it is predicted that our sun will die in approximately 5 billion years.
Once the sun has converted all its hydrogen into helium, the sun will change from its current form, a yellow dwarf, into a red giant. As a red giant, its diameter will extend well beyond the orbit of Venus, and even possibly beyond the orbit of Earth. When the sun enters the red giant phase, in which it will spend the final 10 percent of its lifetime, the Earth will be burned to a cinder.

I think you don't need to start worrying for a few years just yet.

Chill and ignore things