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View Full Version : Could do with some advice here....

28-03-08, 18:02

Have had man flu last couple days but getting over it. COnstantly checking my pulse, & being anxious if it was over 80bpm.

This afternoon, its like a tap turned on in my stomach. Unbelievable amounts of adrenaline & it wont go away. I even feel sick because of it.

Doc prsescribed me Atenolol a few weeks back but i aint taken it. Too afraid to incase it stops my heart or other side affects. Had the lowest dose of propranolol a while back & after 2 days thought i was gonna faint.

Anyone else experience this long rush of adrenaline in stomach that just wont go away????

28-03-08, 19:49
Hi Peter,

Sudden rushes like this are quite common with anxiety. I have had quite a few experiences like this myself. Please don't worry about it, try to relax and put it to the back of your mind.

Take care


28-03-08, 19:57
Hi Peter

It sounds to me like anxiety feelings, i get this especially with my stomach.Makes you feel sick.

Im concerned abit about the Atenolol your GP must of given it for a strong reason. Is your blood pressure high because if it is this will also make you feel like you do and the Atenolol will help.
im not trying to make you do something you dont want to do just trying to help. My hubby is on it and it keeps his blood pressure down.

I hope you can find some answers, Im sure someone else will give you some good advise.

Hope all goes well for you
take care

28-03-08, 22:37
Thanks guys. Feel slighlty better now.

They gave me atenolol as an alternative to propranolol which made me feel faint.

My blood pressure is sometimes borderline but generally fine.

Im only 34 and used to be so active but now the most ill do is go for a walk because the after effects of exercise with the chest thumping & adrenaline are too much to handle.

Thing is, ive had ecg etc & all show up fine.

Im at a loss, I really am :(

28-03-08, 22:37
Hi there.

I was given atenolol for anxiety a few years ago. I also had tried propanolol but didn't like it. I was ok on atenolol at first but it made me so tired that I felt like I couldn't cope. I'm now on sotolol which was also supposed to help with high bp. It didn't all it does is make my pulse slow which is supposed to calm my down. I am on quite a high dose and my pulse is usually between 50 and 55. These make me feel tired too like I'm drugged. If I was given them just for anxiety I wouldn't want to take them either. Perhaps you should have a chat with gp and see if there is something else you could take or do.