View Full Version : anxiety and travelling

22-03-05, 21:16
Hi all,
Does anyone else get very bad anxiety when they have to travel anywhere?
Im asking cos going in a car, train bus or anything im "trapped" on without a toilet freaks me out. (i dont drive so have to rely on taxis etc)
I went on holiday last October and had a terrible time waiting for the car to the airport. I can fly no probs as there is a toilet available (even though i wont need it).

Now.... I have just booked another holiday for 22nd April to a villa in Puerto Banus and allready im stressed big time just thinking about going.
From here to the airport is about a 35 min drive and im dreading it. When i get to the airport i will be fine but to make things worse the transfer to the villa will take another 45 mins.
Im thinking a couple of beers on the plane will help wiith the transfer to the villa but when we come home the transfer will be early morning and ill be stone cold sober..
I was given some 2mg diazepam by the doctor last time i went but never took them as i ended up having a couple of bottles (small) of beer before i left and didnt want to mix them.
needless to say i got there and back again so im trying again.
I deliberately went for a villa so if i get too anxious i wont end up stuck in a hotel room and can still enjoy the pool etc.

now to the point, if i take a diazepam before i travel to the airport is it ok to have a couple of drinks as well? Im probably looking at a pint at the airport and 2 coke size tins on the flight. I dont want to end up looking like ive drunk a bottle of vodka and half a dozen pints to myself.

Now im sure some will say that alcohol just adds to anxiety but i find a pint and a half of my fav Kronenbourg takes the edge off it enough for me to enjoy myself.

Sorry to waffle on so much but i just dont know where to start.
I look forward to any of your comments.


22-03-05, 21:24
hello Baza,

I think you should be able to mix as long as you don't drink too much. It's normal to feel anxious before travelling and if a few beers calm you down then you should difinitely have them..

Sarah :D

22-03-05, 21:24
Hi Baza

As you do rightly say you already know it will be ok....

Try some rescue remedy befoe hand and see if it helps. You can drink withvalium but its not recommended and may exacerbate the response so just stick to your alcohol plans which are not excessive.

Alcohol induced anxiety needs to a be a bit more than you mention usually coupled with a period of non eating which you can avoid.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

22-03-05, 21:39
Thanks for your quick replies, I tried to get some rescue remedy today but my local chemist had run out so ive ordered some from ebay [8D]

I was kinda worried that even a small ammount of alcohol would affect me if i took the tablets and i didnt want to end up on the next series of Airline trying to board the plane [:I]

I just want to be able to look forward to the holiday and not dread it coming and i must admit i feel a lot happier knowing i can use medication and a small ammount of alcohol.
When im there it will be a different story but should hopefully be on a high by then..

Thanks again

22-03-05, 21:45
Once you are there you will be able to relax in the knowledge that in no way you are trapped. A small amount of alcohol and diazepam will probably make you feel very sleepy and you will get that calm affect. Even just taking the diazapam will help you and if not having a drink that helps with the problem even more.

I am sure you will be fine and have a wonderful time. After all you have booked it which shows you wont let it beat you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-03-05, 21:56
No i wont let it beat me...
I go abroad 3 or 4 times a year. I love being there, its just getting there and back.

The sickness feelings and tight chest i can put up with its just the feeling that i need the toilet so desperately. I should know by now its just a feeling and would have gone to the toilet so many times before i left the house i doubt i could go for love nor money.

22-03-05, 22:01
Isnt that typical, i have a friend just like you that feels exactly how you do, but the difference is she would put herself through it whereas you do, which shows you wont let it beat you. That in itself is great.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

23-03-05, 08:34
I don't do well with travelling alone, and the more confined the space the harder it is to do. I hate this problem because it restricts my lifestyle, but I will face this as I face all things that challenge me. What's the worst that could happen? You spend the whole journey in the train loo? I've been in worst places...


"If I never take this leap of faith I'll never know
So I'm learning to fall with no safety net to cushion the blow"
