View Full Version : I Need Some Help Here

22-03-05, 21:43
I have a bit of an odd problem, which I explained a bit about in my post on the Introduce Yourself Board. Bear with me....

I would really like to go hill-walking, maybe walk a long distance path one day. I think it would really help my confidence and give me something to talk to people about. But I really need some help getting me there. I get anxious around people or doing new things.

10 years ago I joined The Ramblers and went on a few walks but then started getting pain in one of my ankles. For some reason I felt embarrased about it and did n't see the doctor. I started getting really worried about the fact that I was finding it difficult to get shoes that fit.

I was seeing a TA therapist at the time but she said it was n't a psychological problem. So I tried lots of alternative therapies to sort out the pain. None worked.

Over years I've developed all sorts of other problems in-growing toenails, plantar faciitis (pulled ligament on my heel).

I though if I could get some shoes that fit I would be fine. I get very nervous in shops and often I tend to get the first pair I can and get out.

Recently, I though I would get round the problem and have some shoes made to measure. They cost a lot of money and they don't fit!

Ideally I could with seeing a therapist who is part personal trainer, mentor, counsellor, physio.

Years ago before the foot problem started I did see a Cogntive Behaviourial therapist on the NHS, but it did n't work for me.

Anyone got any ideas where I can go with this? I feel so depressed and frustrated right now.


22-03-05, 21:53

Sorry you are feeling frustrated and depressed at the moment. As it is unknow territory me i can only make off the cuff suggestions. Have you tried getting some hiking boots that are a size to big and investing in some high quality walking socks that can cushion your feet.

Dont let it get you down to much and if you can sort this you will be able to get out and walk as much as you want which obviously is what helps you.

I am sure someone else on her could offer more advice.

Take care

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

22-03-05, 23:03
hi i think the first thing you need to do is get your feet measured....
you can send off for a foot measure off lots of shoe company sites (did that make sense) then armed with your correct shoe need you can hunt around there are lots of shoe catalogues that you could try to save the going to the shop nearly all do free returns so if they dont fit you havent lost anything and they do extra sizes

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

23-03-05, 11:30

I dont know if i've missed something here (if I have I apologise), but wouldn't it be better going to the doctor and asking him/her to have a look at your feet to make sure there is nothing physically wrong? or what about a chiropodist?


23-03-05, 14:42
When you say your shoes don't fit, why? Are they too wide, too narrow, not holding at the heel? Just that i work in a shoe shop and see so many people who have problems, might be able to give you some names of places.
Take care