View Full Version : Itchy nipple

29-03-08, 08:38
I have had an itchy right nipple now for months & months, its not constant but I usually feel it once a day at least.

Should I be concerned? I feel very very tired lately so I am putting two and two together and worrying a little. I have done a breast examination and I don't have any lumps, my breasts are only small, practically none existant so they are easy to check:winks:

29-03-08, 09:53
Hi Cherry3,

I know this will sound obvious but could your nipple be getting irritated by your bra or clothes? I have had this happen and it can be really sore and itchy for a while. Unfortunately it won't heal up unless you stop wearing whatever is irritating it for a few days. Also, could you have an allergy or a little bit of dry skin or something? Sometimes perfume or soap can cause irritation and again, that won't go away until the nipple has healed. Nipples are sensitive things you know - Lily Savage once said that she needed to wear corn plasters to stop her nipples chaffing on her underwear, LOL!

I hope this helps a bit. :)

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

pink daisy
29-03-08, 11:29
Are boobs sound the same size lol I get itchy nipples to somtimes very annoying and sometimes they can go sore too.

Maybe to do with heat or somthing or like shoegal says clothing etc. You can always ring up the Dr and just tell the nurse and im sure she will put you at ease xx

30-03-08, 09:46
My right is a tiny bit bigger than my left so I think it may be rubbing on my bra and I have changed my washing powder recently.

Thanks so much.