View Full Version : Heart worry again...

29-03-08, 11:45
Hi everyone,

I have been suffering with irregular heartbeat etc and went docs again last week who checked me out and said all was well, she checked heart, BP and pulse, my previous ECG was normal. But last night I had a bad night again with heart racing and felt it was all over the place. I try and breath calmly and get back to sleep but it was hard and its awful feeling. I had some wine which I quite often do as enjoy my alcohol, does anyone find that their heart beats are worse after drink? I would hate to stop having my drink as it relaxes me but hate the anxiety in the night of heart all over the place and beating through my chest so cannot ignore it!
I am probably crazy but just worried about it. I felt better last week after doc said I was fine, but something in my crazy head still worries.

29-03-08, 16:12
Hi Petmad

Im sure if the doctor as checked you over hun everything will be fine:hugs: so try not to worry. I have to say though i have suffered with anxiety for many years but until recently i havent ever suffered with my heart racing. I too have always been one that likes a drink of wine but a couple of weeks ago after a drink then going to bed i woke up with my heart racing sweating etc it really frightened me. I put it down to alcohol and i havent had a drink for 2 weeks and had no probelms until last night when i had a drink to celebrate my birthday, boy do i wish i hadnt! the same thing happend in the night again. I like a glass of red wine especially at weekends but im going to water it down with cranberry juice tonight ! I geuss cutting alcohol out altogeather is the best option though.:lac:


29-03-08, 23:32
Mee Too

I have never raised this before but I for many years had rapid loud beating heart after a medium amount of drink and wake to them often. The cure I thought was to get fit and healthy at a gym and it worked. Now they have returned and mainly with certain drinks like red wine or certain spirits. The only cure except going to the gym again is either to drink to excess or not at all and the day after excess does not appeal to me. I do find drinking a pint of water before going to bed and keeping a pint of water at my bedside really does help.


Rachey poos
29-03-08, 23:38
This is the very reason I had to stop drinking wine ...and i loved a good bottle at the weekend...I would wake up with flutters but particuly very rapid thumping heart and red wine is worse because it opens the vents! as for the irregular .. i get that anyway with stress...read some of the posts on my blog about it.... have terrible attacks in the nite alot x u are fine me dear just the old git - anxiety demon xxxx

29-03-08, 23:38
Sorry just to add

When you drink alcahol you only have REM sleep not the refreshing deep sleep. May be it is possible that when sleeping with alcahol your mind goes in and out of this dream state and so triggers night paincs...may be a googling is needed...may be not.

Just a thought
