View Full Version : Help me get a job

29-03-08, 13:05
So i have been suffering from panic attacks and Anxiety Disorder for about 3 years now, and im having problems working. I first started having them at my first job,and since leaving there i have had 3 jobs which i have had to leave due to my panic attacks. I have literally just left my job about 30 mins ago because i was having a panic attack!..So im Anxious and Poor now! Fab huh?!...So i would like some help please...i think it is the nervous thought of having to go to work (in a bar) and serve people and if im in the middle of serving and i have a panic attack then i cant escape!...Strange i know...also i want to know if i can sue my old company because i think they are the cause of these god for saken panic attacks! It was a very busy resteraunt/pub where i used to work and one day i just had one...i thought i was mentally insane! lol..which i probably am!..well i feel like it at the moment!...Anyway your suggestions will be greatly appreciated....Gemma x

05-04-08, 17:38
Hi Gemma,

I use to work in a busy pub and likewise suffered panic attack I use to think what if I freaked out half way through pulling a pint and the customer though tI was wierd, It is important but also hard to remember that no-one other than you knows that you are having a panic attack and worrying that you are going to have one often triggers it off so I use to find distracting myself helped, for example if I was pulling a pint I would sing a song (in my head of course :-) ) or think about what I was having for tea and that would often help, it is hard, I have left a couple of jobs in the past because of this but I have been in my most recen tplace of work for two years now and I do still have bad days but you just have to push through them.

Good luck and I hope it works out

05-04-08, 19:27
hi i am christine i found this site has helped me a lot i have suffered with panic attacks for 18 yrs it does get better as times goes on

06-04-08, 03:23
You need to find a job that you enjoy in an environment where you don't feel trapped.

The first panic attack you suffered was as you know because of the pressures you were under at the time. This attack though has left an imprint in your mind because it frightened you so much so now you're afraid of them happening again.

It's the fear of them happening again that is causing them to occur because your worrying about them is triggering them.

If you find a job that you enjoy where you don't feel trapped, "the stresses that caused the original attacks will no longer be present" and once you then learn to remind yourself of that fact, you'll stop worrying about them which in turn will mean they'll stop happening. :hugs:

06-04-08, 07:07
:) hi, my problems are similar - i have isolated myself in my work so as to avoid what you have experienced - bu ti now need to work for financial reasons - we wont be able to pay our mortgage for long if i dont! - and i dont find it a bad place to find myself - the motivation to work because i may lose the roof over my head that i want, makes the possibility of doing shop work or similar to you where i am under the eye of the public, doesn tseem tooo bad anymore:yesyes: i once worked in ashop for about 9months and had to leave due to the stress of a crap relationship i was actively trying to get out of - but my stress drove me to drink and i found i didnt wan to see certain people that were connected to my ex. but i think it all comes down to a lack of confidence in your ability to cope with a panic attack in public - if you avoid it, then you risk the added problem of avoiding alot of social interactions eleswhere for fear of being judged. remember that it is avoidance that leads to phobias - irrational fear of a harmless situation does not mean you have aphobia - but once you start avoiding that situation then you will develop one.

i would take the advice of debrena if i were you - find ways of facing this problem rather than running away and avoiding it - obviously like bill says you can also find a job that doesnt put you in the public eye, but there are very few jobs you can do alone - house/office cleaning , or truck driving come to mind - are they options? and even then you will still need to see some people, some of the time. jus tbe careful that you dont end up worse off, and no i dont think you can sue your old job for starting you panic attacks:winks: take care, emma

06-04-08, 12:41
I would love to get a job, (at home mum at the moment), I love working with animals, esp cats and dogs, The problem i have is that i have a 2 1/2year old, and cant afford to put him in to full time nursery and earn enough to pay all the bills, I have no family that can help me out.

I feel that i need to get out and do something, as at the moment my life is very dull, need some thing for me to get my teeth in to, and enjoy without the kids.

06-04-08, 20:01
Hi Gemma and :welcome:

Your fears aren't odd and you're definitely not insane! I work in a library and understand the feeling of not being able to escape because of being in view. In reality it isn't as black and white as that though because you can always pop to the toilet or something to calm down when feeling panicky. Perhaps you could try some voluntary work as there isn't as much pressure to stay and it will build your confidence.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-04-08, 00:19
Hi Gemma

I think we all know how you feel,the first PA is the one you never forget.You can remember the time,place and that feeling that you got.It does get better for a lot of us.I,like yourself have only recently found this site and it has been such a great help to me.I"m a self-employed builder and after my first bout of panic attacks I just freaked.The business went to the dogs,I would only work a few days a month and convinced myself that if i went to work I would have a PA.This went on for 2 years!!!!.But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.I managed to cope with going to work and I turned the business around,but not without a lot of support from others.In your case I would find a job on a part time basis to start with and ease yourself back into employment.The voluntry work idea is great I think,just do a few days to start with and then increase when you feel the time is right.This will re-introduce you back to the work place.As for sueing your previous employer,I dont think thats a good idea as you are trying to lower your stress levels not increase them.

07-04-08, 09:31
All that you can do is what you can do. Try to find a job within your comfort zone at first - I had the same situation when I started a job in a law office as a student.. I was having panic attacks while sitting down at my desk! Horrible! I finally had to leave and have been terrified of getting even a part time job ever since then.

Recently, my dad's company expanded and he says that he plans to hire me to do some part time work for him this summer. (I'm still a student right now.) That is the first time the subject of a job didn't send me into a panic.

Try to find something that will make you feel okay. There are some work from home jobs too. And, no, this is not the best way to deal with a panic problem, and I am not suggesting that you hide out from your anxiety, but I also know that sometimes a job is pressing and you (not YOU, but "you" as in PEOPLE, lol.) may need one right now, and so.. at a time like that, I say do what you need to do.