View Full Version : Rapid pulse

29-03-08, 15:09
This is funny because normally I am in here asking why my pulse rate is so low! Usually 50 or so. The past couple of days it has been in the 90's. Is this anxiety or could it be more?
I went to the ER and had bloodwork etc and everything was fine. I just cant figure out why all of a sudden it goes high for two days?? Could it be hormones even?

29-03-08, 15:43
Hi Alison,

I'm sure what you are describing here is infact anxiety. My pulse can go through the roof but i know it's just axiety so i put it to the back of my mind!

Try your best not to keep checking your pulse hun as i'm sure your in perfect health, anything else would have showed up in the blood work including hormores!

Take care

Love Lisa

29-03-08, 17:46
Sorry I should have posted more info. I have severe anxiety and panic disorder as well as OCD and health anxiety. I am on Paxil, lorazapam and clonazapam daily. It seems that certain times I will have a day or two that my pulse rate goes up as well as my bp and then once I start to feel alittle less anxious things go back to normal. I was just wondering if this happens to others as well

29-03-08, 21:38
do you find the medication helps? I used to just suffer from IBS when younger but now the older I get the worse I am and its more panic and anxiety and always feeling so nervous. I don't fancy taking tablets but I hate feeling so anxious and would like my life to be easy, simple and worry free!! If only eh? I am sure your pulse is anxiety.
take care x