View Full Version : Lump on inside cheek with red/black spot. (pic includ)

29-03-08, 16:18

I have a piece of tissue on the inside of my cheek thats like a flap of excess skin, kinda the same when you bite your gum but its inline with my upper teeth. I've tried to bite it but my teeth dont get anywhere near it.

On the the top side of the "flap" is a small red circle "sore" and underneath is like grey/black tissue.

I have one of the other side of my mouth too.

I've resently had Oral Surgery to remove an impacted and infected wisdom tooth.

on the gum where that tooth was removed it has a red rash on the gum and its spread over.. the hole where the tooth was is still healing.

Also I've been having on and off black small dots on the insides of my cheek..

This seem to be where ive caught the skin as I was looking at on and a small drip of blood came out and it went. Then another one became present this morning.

The "flap" on the gum has been present for a few weeks now (ive felt it there) but I've only just looked at it today in regards to the colours.. so I dont know if they have got bigger or not.

Im so scared ive got oral cancer.

Im 23 never smoked/drinked.

but due to my repeat infections in my mouth I've had very bad oral health but my teeth are now need no more work but due to the pericontis that i developed on the wisdom tooth I have Ginivitis.



29-03-08, 17:07
Hi Dan

Looks like normal little mouth ulsers to me. I've had them myself and go away in their own time. Don't keep poking and prodding them or they will stay longer. Try rinsing with luke warm salt water, it may sting them a bit but it should help!

Take care


29-03-08, 17:08
Ive heard the "bump" on each side of the cheeks are parotid salivary gland

anyone confirm this?

29-03-08, 17:19
Also it looks alot worst in real. The red sore on the "flap" and then underneath it is dark tissue..

I'm going to go see my dentist on monday if I can get an emergency appointment.

29-03-08, 17:19
Hi Dan

I agree with Lisa, they do look like small ulcers, a couple of month ago i had a bacterial infection in my mouth, i visited the out of hours doctor who told me to use Corsodyl mouth wash which you can get from the chemist or good supermarket it was brilliant infection went in a couple of days.

Hope that helps


29-03-08, 17:20
Ive got that stuff.. (btw its Dan lol!) but I've resently had my wisdom out and they said dont use anything until its healed over?


29-03-08, 17:33

Probably a good idea to see the dentist then if you can get a emergency appointment, will put you mind at ease and will give you the best action to take with an infection, especially if you have had a wisdom tooth out.:ohmy:

I remember thinking the worse when i had a infection in my mouth(and i am a smoker and drinker) and of course i googled which didnt help!!!! Wont do that again...lol


29-03-08, 20:32
Does look like normal ulcers to me - could be caused by rubbing of your teeth - I had very similar things when I had a brace in. I think your dentist would have said if they saw anything remotely oral cancer like when they were taking the teeth out.

I went to mine once about some weird lumps, but he was very reassuring and just told me they were normal. I'd agree with the rinsing out with warm salty water - it's what they always tell you to do, and would be good for keeping the wounds clean. I'd go and ask if you are still worried, though.

29-12-08, 11:02
dlou84 - I have the same exact things that you have described. I am very worried...If you have figured out what it is please let me at
my email:


13-01-09, 04:56
dlou84 - Are you ok now?
I have the same exact things that you have described. I am very worried too...If you have figured out what it is please let me at
my email:

suman.ctgbd@yahoo.com (suman.ctgbd@yahoo.com)

As early as possible pls

Any one can advice me?

22-01-09, 16:18
I thought I would post this for future health anxiety sufferers. I had something very similar, if it is in line with your teeth i.e biting then it is almost certain to be a traumatic ulcer, expecially if you grind your teeth at night and or have lesions inside of cheek due to chewing your cheeks. Mine went down on its own but my dentist said they can stay there for ever or even increase in size if they keep getting knocked around.

25-01-09, 18:27
Those are veins in the inside of your mouth, there is one on each side, the little lump is on both sides also, I have the same.

You can bite it accidently when you're eating but it will go down.


04-02-09, 09:37
Hi Dan

I agree with Lisa, they do look like small ulcers, a couple of month ago i had a bacterial infection in my mouth, i visited the out of hours doctor who told me to use Corsodyl mouth wash which you can get from the chemist or good supermarket it was brilliant infection went in a couple of days.

Hope that helps


Dear Honey Bee,
I see same case of dlou84, but in my mouth i see Lump on inside (left & right both side) cheek. I am worried about it. What is this? How can I releave from this? Please reply me..........

Thank You

Email: suman.ctgbd@yahoo.com

05-02-09, 06:20
Hi Guys,

I googled because I have a very similar issue, flap of skin, same location, similar problems,

I did some research and came across this site: http://www.doctorspiller.com/sores_lumps_bumps.htm

about 2/3 of the way down they get into this exact problem, it is an inflammation of the "stensons gland" which is a type of salivary gland, everyone has 2, on either side of the mouth, lining up with the top set of molars, if you feel around on the other side of your mouth, you can feel the other one, much much smaller since it's not inflamed,

treatment is a very mild antibiotic, I am going to use colloidal silver because it works wonders on this type of thing,

hope this helps!

13-03-09, 12:58
hi looks like a mouth ulcer my son gets loads of them they are mainly caused by eating spicy food or stress the best thing to get is a tube of bonjela it is very good for infections to hope this work for you as it worked for my son just give it a few days to work though and it works for the pain to as it numbs it hope this will help julie

13-03-09, 20:05
Hi DLou84

Did you ever find out what this was? I have the same thing even looks like your pic. Mine is like a bump which feels a lot bigger on the tongue than it looks, rests higher than I can bite and has a red dot in the centre. It is like a flap at the same time as a bump. It is not black underneath though mine is just normal mouth colour. All the people saying this is an ulcer are wrong it feels and looks quite different to these...

I'm 23 too, non-smoker. Hope you are well now.


13-03-09, 20:12
Hi Dan,
I would have said you have bitten a piece of the cheek tissue and what you see is the last bit as it heals. I have had this loads of times. You may, through being anxious, be biting your cheek and be unaware of it. Its only sensible to get it checked by the experts. By the way, what a fantastic thing to do the pictures and very brave of you. Great stuff. Next week you will be posting your good news! All th best. X

13-03-09, 21:48
Blood blister!! Had two last week after my daughter jumped on me. I didn't feel it happen but within 10 mins I could feel the lumps! Had loads from playing rugby from bashing my face in the scrum.


Worried D
18-03-09, 05:43
Dan, did you ever get resolution of the the lump? I have the exact same thing going on right now. Looks identical to your pics. I have seen booth my GP and dentist and neither were concerned and both perscribed antibiotics. My dentist said it was probably Viral though and could take weeks to resolve.

18-03-09, 12:45
This is the first time I have used this forum so Ihope I am doing it write!

Not totally sure but think that the lump and the dot sounds like the salivary ducts from the salivary glands in your mouths. Especially if they are both near the upper second last molar tooth in your mouth. Only know this because i am very concerned with my salivary glands and found out that the ducts were there.

30-03-09, 10:19

i noticed i have the same thing on friday night, its weird cause on the other side i have one but smaller, i do have a bottom wisdom tooth comming thro on that side and the gums sore and wrinkled at the bottom and wondered if its caused by that and or by biting it without realising.

does anyone know what it really is???im a really worrier at the moment.

30-03-09, 17:11

i noticed i have the same thing on friday night, its weird cause on the other side i have one but smaller, i do have a bottom wisdom tooth comming thro on that side and the gums sore and wrinkled at the bottom and wondered if its caused by that and or by biting it without realising.

does anyone know what it really is???im a really worrier at the moment.

I have a similar thing but mine are rough patches, well kind of raised, rough patches...my wisdom tooth is coming through too, do you think its related?

31-03-09, 00:09
Buy some Amosan from Oral B. It helps clear up ulcers like that. I get them all the time. No worries. Here is a link

01-04-09, 13:54
Hey there!
Please don't panic ...
I have the same "lump" ...
And my boyfriend has it ...
And my brother has it ...
And my roomie has it ...

and you know what ... everyone has it ... to be more specific ... we all have two of them ... becouse this IS spot, where saliva flows into our mouth ...

I was really scared when I first foud it out ... and of course google it ...
And I thought I was ill and so on and so on ...

And I loked here every day, if there's something new ...
But today my boyfriend showed me how he chewed his cheeks and you know what! ... the "lump" was there ... becouse it's HAS TO BE THERE! :)

So ... have I comforted anyone? :)
(Sorry for my English ...)

20-04-09, 11:28
just an update to say that i went to the doctors about mine and she said its fine perfectly normal. that i either have caused it from repetative chewing or that i grind my teeth in my sleep :D panic over!

15-08-16, 15:33
I have a similar thing but mine are rough patches, well kind of raised, rough patches...my wisdom tooth is coming through too, do you think its related?

Hey I have this exact same issue. How long did it take for yours to resolve?