View Full Version : Please help!!

29-03-08, 16:32

I've always been quiet a nervous person but as i've got older it seems to be getting worse. I find my anxiety levels going higher whilst sitting on a train, whilst talking to people that i don't know, just in an environment that i am uncomfortable with. I want a new job and the thought of having to go through an interview scares the hell out of me i just don't think i can do it with out the aniexty becoming to much and leading into a panic attack. I'm currently at college doing a course and to pass it i have to do a presentation- well i don't know how i am going to get through it. Any ideas? I'm quite a confident person with people i am comfortable with but once out of that comfort zone i just cant seem to cope.
Any ideas of how to over come this would be great....
thanks :)


29-03-08, 17:03
Hi Lisa!

OK first of all, you seemed to have focused on the negatives there, but to my point of view you should be giving yourself a huge pat on the back. You suffer from anxiety but your not letting it get the better of you, your doing a collage course and getting on with your daily life.

As for your presentation, try to practice it as much as possible so you are confident about what you are doing and this should lift some of the stress.

If things get too scarey, maybe you could try Kalms, it's really good for taking the edge off!!

Take care gal and good luck!


29-03-08, 21:46
I know the feeling, I get worse with age and whether its hormones or what but things worry me, I had to do a presentation for an interview and I was so nervous yet they said it was fine!! I started a new job which I was really worried I couldn't do but slowly think I am getting there. But it doesn't stop me worrying about anything and everything and wish there was some miracle cure to help, not sure if any of these rescue remedies help or herbal things? I get bad hormones problems too but again no miracle cure.
I have no confidence in what I do and worry about my health, just wish I could be normal and not a worrier and live life without the fear of something happening!!
take care x

29-03-08, 21:50
I was told that when doing a presentation and you are nervous about the people in front of you, pretend they are sitting there without any clothes on - or if that is too scary a thought, imagine them with something like Mickey Mouse ears on!!

When I have done presentations I have sometimes thought that the people I have been presenting to have been better than me or waiting for me to slip up etc but now I realise that often they are nervous too.

I guess like anything practice makes perfect but I hope this helps.

30-03-08, 13:31

Thanks for everones replies. I've tried calms in the past and my anixety seems to go through the roof when i take then...so i don't find they do anything. I've also tried rescue remedy again....didn't do anything. I think i'm going to go to the doctors and see what they say if there is anything that they can advice or prescribe.
The idea of doing the presentation makes me feel sick already and its not till July!! i have no idea how i am going to get through it without looking like a total idiot, i think that makes it harder thinking about what people think of me. I feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place and don't know quite how to get out of it.
I will certainly be practicing it, but who knows on the day!!

x x

30-03-08, 14:00
"Amateurs practice till they get it right, professionals practice till the can't do it wrong!"

Think about it - a subtle difference.

I play a trombone in a small local orchestra. It's not the Liverpool Philharmonic and we just enjoy what we do. I'm not a bad player and I do little practice, but the audience get what they're given. I'm now 46 and been through some bad times so I'm at the stage where I don't give a damn.

That's not to say I don't try and play things right.

Do your homework, practice, practice practice, but at the end of the day, if they can't accept you for who you are then "sod em"

30-03-08, 15:07
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
If I had a pound for every person here who said "i can't" but then did actually "do",I would be very wealthy.
It's natural to be nervous about a big presentation-a certain amount of stress is par for the course.We,of course,tend to take this at least one stage further.You are clearly an intelligent person-so capatilize on that.Good preparation and planning will make this a day to enjoy not endure.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,