View Full Version : hello :)

29-03-08, 16:56
hi, im matt, im 17, ive been a member for a couple of weeks now but uve never posted before.

basically my problems started about 6 years ago when my brother died, following this my mom became serverly depressed and suicidal and my dad became an alcoholic.

I got on with life pretty normally untill about 2 years ago when I started getting health anx. which slowly worsen and took over my life. Depression set in, and here i am now, im quite postive that i can beat this, and NMP has certainly helped.

thanks alot :)

29-03-08, 18:11
Hello Mat And Welcome ....i Wish Ya Well.........linda

29-03-08, 22:10
Hi Matt
:welcome: to nmp, its nice to see you in chat too.
love Mags xxx

30-03-08, 11:33
Hi Matt,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

30-03-08, 15:50
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
best wishes,

30-03-08, 19:44
Hi Matt and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

30-03-08, 22:17
Hi Matt

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

30-03-08, 22:21
Hi Matt

:welcome: to NMP


30-03-08, 23:08
hello and welcome!!!!

ju x

31-03-08, 09:51
hi and a big welcome to NMP, you will find lots of advice and support here, I hope to see you in chat sometime

Emma xx